Chapter 17: Rising Tension

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It seemed that my suspicions were confirmed true, as much as Josh and Kiro tried to hide it, recently with me off on my own with my friends it seemed that they had gotten attached to the attention even if it was something I gave them begrudgingly. Now how did I figure this out? Well I had seen it coming for a little while now actually it was Josh that started to give himself away first. As much as these two tried to push themselves away from me, they were tangled in the web whether they wanted to be or not. So I had discovered that and planned to ask them about it later but as usual something else would catch my attention before I could even begin to divert my attention to them.

Quarrelsome girls. I had forgotten about the wanna be queen bees if I'm being entirely honest

"Are you some kind of sorcerous or something?" Mirae's annoying voice cut through the silence that I had in the courtyard of the school as I read my book.

"I know you aren't talking to me" I say as I continue reading, not bothering to look up and give her my attention.

"Who else would she be talking to brat" Eve scoffed

"Oh back for round two are we?" I ask glancing up at them for a moment "Still as over done as ever. Ever head of bareface? You should try it sometime" I mutter immersing myself back into my book

"Did you just-"

"Insult your makeup, Yes yes I did. You know what else? Mirae you so insecure that you hide behind Eve's confidence, and Eve? You're so used to being spoiled and always being told that you're pretty by guys but that's also your biggest insecurity. After all, no one likes someone who can't be comfortable in their own skin and show who they really are. Your the wannabe here Eve'' I say and shut my book turning my attention to the pair yet again

"Your such a brat!" Eve huffed, i could practically see the steam coming out of her ears as i called her bluff

"Oh am I? At least I'm not hiding behind a false front. At least I don't bully someone because I find them prettier than me and feel threatened by it." I say and watch as Eve's face goes red in anger but she's not able to say anything because she knows I'm right. "And you Mirae, just how far from grace you've fallen. Kailan used to love you, adore you as a friend, but then you became a leach. You grabbed on to Eve and you let her change you. Manipulate you and corrupt you with the promise of popularity. I've seen it, the reason you don't leave. It's because you burned all your bridges didn't you? You made all your old friends so miserable thinking you were above them when in reality you were just putting them down because you were afraid that if you stayed close to them you would lose Eve. In doing that you Lost yourself"

"How did you learn that? How did you-" Mirae stutters her eyes wide in shock at how i laid everything out so simply as if I had always known

"I watch people. Besides, Kailan is my best friend and she was your friend too at some point but you left her in the dust when you found something new and shiny" I say shaking my head as I look at the two girls just disappointed "So now with my piece being said, Come find me when you are actually able to step to me" leaving the two to think in the courtyard I gather my things off the bench beside me and head inside the building. That's Mirae out of commission, now there's just Eve left and she will come with time, I don't have anything to hit her with yet. Heading towards class I went over my schedule in my head I forgot to turn in my videography assignment on Monday so I would turn that in today and that would be one final out of the way. Then there's all the other classes and mock exams after spring break. Tomorrow I would talk with Kailan and then I would spend the evening with Hyoga on Friday since I would be occupied on our usual hang out day and then it was a matter of getting ready for our trip.

I think I got too comfortable in the halls or maybe I really only noticed it more now that I knew who could be the cause of it. My memories being triggered by scent has got to be the worst thing in the world. I was walking to class like usual, and it had been so long since I noticed it that when I did finally find it again it made me freeze in the middle of the hall. Students were still moving around me on their way trying to get to class too. Was this karma for going after the girls? No I didn't do anything wrong but spell out the truth, they couldn't handle the brutal honesty and I shouldn't have to sugar coat things.

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