Chapter 18: Spring is Coming

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I felt the pit in my stomach grow as I pushed on the door. Something wasn't right and I felt my heart jump up in the throat

Please just let everything be okay. I show my nerves aside the best I can and push the door open only to have that black feeling confirmed. My heart sinks and my breath catches in my throat.

Why? Why did Noah have to push it this far?

I stood frozen in place at the sight that unfolded behind me. Noah with a bloody nose and Hyoga a busted lip. I don't know what caused this but to see the two boys fighting only frightened me. Violence and I don't mix. My breath had been stolen and my dizziness took over. I wanted to yell at them to stop but there was nothing, I couldn't even snap out of it as I barely got myself to step backwards.

No, no one was supposed to get hurt, He wasn't supposed to get hurt! Noah has never gone this far with others, so why now!?

I fall back over something that was in my way the sound disturbing the two boys and they look my way

"Rhena!" Hyoga's eyes go wide but as he's distracted that gives Noah and opening and I cringe looking away as Noah lands a blow on his face

"Look who showed up" Noah grinned and when I looked back Hyoga had tackled him and shoved him away "Rhena, leave. You don't need to be here" he was trying to help me again, like always. His firm tone brought me back to my senses as I pulled myself up still frightened I scrambled down the stairs almost tripping over my own feet. I had to find someone, anyone!

It was like running blind as I felt my eyes get blurry from tears and I ran head first into someone, literally.

"What is with you and not paying attention" Josh sighed, sounding almost tired of this way of meeting. I looked up hearing him speak still trying to hold myself together

"You were crying-" he said, seeing my eyes all glassy. I bit my lip trying to hold myself together but it's near impossible and I start crying again hastily wiping at my tears

"Noah" I start my voice cracking and I hardly sound like myself as I get huffy trying to speak through the tears. Josh's expression turns grim at the mention of Noah

"What did the jerk do this time?" He asks clenching his fists and I can't tell if he's upset or angry as he looked up the stairs from where I just came from

"The roof... Him and Hyoga. They're fighting. This wasn't supposed to happen" I cried wrapping my arms around myself leaning back against the wall. Staring at my shoes I felt a gentle touch on my face, Josh wiping the tears off my face even though they kept coming and he rested his hand on my shoulder. Normally I would have pushed him away but in this state anything felt comforting and if I was trusting Josh on this then maybe it could be handled.

"Stop them...please?" I asked quietly, rubbing the tears away from my eyes in an attempt to dry my face again. He's quiet as if not expecting me to ask him for anything

"Don't worry about it, you go back to the cafeteria before you worry yourself anymore" He said stepping away and I just nod "Leave everything else to me" he says and takes off up the stairs. I pull myself together and walk to the bathroom and splash some cold water on my face to calm down and dry off my face. I let out a shaky sigh and leave walking to the cafeteria.

"I shouldn't worry the others" I mumble to myself and try to put on my best front and walk into the cafeteria joining the others at the table. I didn't even want to think about what was happening just a few feet away upstairs. Since recovering I've found that I never do well around violence. Fights, actions any and all of it. It's a reminder of what I survived I guess.

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