Chapter 11: A Source for change

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"Ms. Park do you have a moment. I have something id like to discuss" I asked when I had been let into the counseling office. 

School after the dance had resumed business as normal but in the following weeks I had noticed some tension among students. I had by some miracle made some more friends though and it helped me come out of the little shell I had tucked myself in. Actually it was with their help that I was able to propose these two ideas that I had to the counselors and I thought that I could really get somewhere with them. Sure school was almost over but that doesn't mean that I couldn't still make a change that would follow me on into high school that could be started again

"Oh Rhena this is a surprise, Of course of Course sit down please. What is it that you want to ask?" Ms. Park asked with a pleasant smile on her face as I sat down to give my proposals

"well I know its late in the year and all but I've got a program proposal as well as a club proposal that I think all the students could benefit from. The one I care the most about is an anti-bullying program. I was talking with my sister and she said that she wanted to be the sponsor for it and would even come in and do a few school wide meetings in the remaining time. The other is a club that I personally just think would be fun that again my sister said she would sponsor but its a performing arts club. I want students to be able to come together and practice and get feedback on their skills but also to be able to share their progress and get access to other resources other than what they themselves could find on their own. I suppose that's my goal for both clubs but there are more details in each folder." I explained and handed over my two folders that contained my detailed proposals as well as the required forms for each club 

"Well you've grown quite a bit in the time you've been here Rhena, I'm glad to see you come out of your shell. I think these are great ideas and I will pass them along to the principal and he should get back to you tomorrow. I wish you the best of luck with these clubs." Ms. Park smiled and after that I got up

"Thank you Ms. Park" I smiled in return and left the office now heading towards class taking out my phone to call my sister as I joined a few class mates on my walk

"Rhena, Hey how did it go?" She asked as she answered the phone and I smiled

"I think it went well, Ms. Park said that she would hand everything over to the principal and I should know tomorrow. But I don't see why things wont get approved  Its like you said they are both great clubs and Ms. Park agreed. There's a chance I could know by the end of the day too but we'll see" I smiled quite proud of myself even though on the inside I was still terrified of becoming a leader in these situations but I had to remember that only good things could come form this and its the one way I in turn could better myself.

"That's great Rhen, well if you do find out something today text me ill be at the studio later so I wont be able to answer till later but I can at least check your message and go from there. Oh and if things go the way they are supposed to I can have one of the limited editions early and I'll get two so I will have one like you asked" 

"Ah perfect, alright Jae thank you. I'll see you later then bye" I smiled hanging up with my sister and went back to conversing with my friends on our way to class. Eventually our little group of four broke off to go to their desks and I sat down taking out my notes letting out a contented sigh. Holding onto that promise I made myself was hard and tiring since I wasn't used to trying to be bit more extroverted yet but I assumed that I would get easier and that I would start to feel better soon. Right now I felt like nothing could go wrong and I hoped that nothing could because this, the being confidence for once felt great. I finally felt what I guess you could call normal for the first time in 15 years. Of course there would always be whispers to go around things that people would say but now while I still planned to ignore them maybe if this club was approved I could do something about them. As class started I found myself day dreaming about how the clubs would go. While I was super passionate about the Anti-bullying program I was also excited for the performing arts club too,  I could get a chance to practice filming more. Those that wanted to try performing or learn more or even just get feedback had  a chance to now, and if my sister was to be helping well they also had an industry professional literally right there at their side. I think that's the part that made me nervous though and why I worried about the clubs. Jae-na, she was an idol and I didn't want people at school to start treating me different when it finally got out that were were related. But I had to shove that thought aside if I wanted things to go well and also for the fact that I had to focus on class right now. Finals were coming up and all the lessons were important just as much as extracurriculars.

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