Chapter 23: Suprise?

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Eve now had two days till her ultimatum and her habits still hadn't changed but people started to look at her differently. She started to act out more and pick on others around her as if being the queen bee made her untouchable. But that's just it, once you've started to let the crown slip, your credibility tanks and on top of that Mirae was no longer at Eves side. Ever since the day I called Mirae's attention to how Kailan one of her older closest friends now saw her she started to distance from eve effectively creating a massive rift and social change. Yet here we are in gym and the girl who I hadn't seen be athletic a day in her life was trying to call me out

"She looks like a string bean, does she really think she's cute?" Eve mumbled under her breath to a group of girls around her that stuck with eve for reasons even that I wasn't sure about. But seriously going for my appearance? I get it I'm short and don't have a lot of muscle tone compared to other female athletes my age but she doesn't have any room to talk. I was starting to get fed up with her attempts to embarrass me now that I was a bit more confident in myself

"Is that supposed to bother me?" I asked shooting a look her way "I'm aware that I look scrawny and have accepted the fact. Picking on an athlete when you don't have an athletic bone in your body is pretty bold though"

"Please, why would I work and get all sweaty" Eve says, her face turning up and contorting in disgust "It's not like you could keep up with the other athletes around you." she continues and I just give her a look, is she stupid? Does she not remember me racing Josh? Does she not remember that i run track

"You sure about that?" I ask. Part of me wants her to question it just so I can embarrass her in front of everyone else but the other part of me is saying that it's so petty that it's like why do I even bother.

"Am I wrong?"

"I’ll prove it to you " I say and look around, I wish Hyoga was in here because I know he'd do it no questions asked but that's not to say I didn't have other friends. As I look around my eyes land on Josh and I find myself smiling. It's bold on my end but we can't hide the fact that we're becoming friends for much longer, it was already common knowledge that we were interacting more often than not anymore.

“Josh, come here a second” I say motioning for him to come here. I watch as his face goes from confusion to surprise and look back to Eve who seems annoyed but more so surprised by the fact that I talked to Josh so comfortably

“You need something?” He asked when he walked over and I simply shook my head
“I don't really need anything” I say looking back to Eve who had that same stupid smug grin on her face that I would love to erase

“Eve seems to think that I can't keep up with another athlete, mind helping out with that?”

“Bold of you to pick me”

“Who else was gonna help?” I say arching a brow, besides that Josh you and I work with the same person you're the only person who could remotely prove to be a challenge to me.

“Fair point- and what are we doing exactly?”
I look at Eve “Is 25 pushups enough to get you to shut up?” I say knowing I could do that much no problem the same for Josh.

“Fine, I'll be happy to watch you fall on your face after 5 and laugh all about it” Eve remarked and I laughed

“Your gonna be the one wishing you hadn't bothered Eve” I say hoping that this embarrassment will get her to just drop it, or at least make others around her aware that just just power hungry. “And since you're watching you count” i say and after stretching a bit I get on the ground Josh doing much the same opposite to me and I smile knowing that I'm going to make Eve into a mockery. As I got set I looked up to where Josh was making sure he was ready. As I started to focus I felt my skin burn and the sting spread down my arm. My scar, he can see it can't he? Stupid gym uniform! I know I can't wear long sleeves all the time though. I push the pain out of my mind that's not what i need to be worried about right now. Having another task though made it easy to ignore his focused gaze

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