Chapter 9: The Dance

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I wasn't really sure what to make of the next upcoming week. Things had calmed down a little bit and after the day with my friends I was energized and ready to go. There were only a few days left till the dance and then after that it would be all about finals. Speaking of which, the one massive project I had worked with other artists on I was almost done editing and I was working on getting permission to post it to YouTube once it had been graded.

The week of course wouldn't come without some trouble though but it wasn't anything huge just some talk. Apparently more people than just Kiro and Josh had seen me out with the group of idols the other day and there were mixed reactions. Some of the girls got curious and the passing whispers were

"Is it true that Rhena knows them to have been so friendly." or "Are we sure that that was Rhena? I mean it could just be someone that looks just like her."

I could also hear other things like "Ok but think about this I'm pretty sure Rhena's last name is Han, and this is all just speculation but she looks similar to Jae'na Han."

"Nah I think that's a reach, if she was related don't you think she would I don't know be more popular and open about who her family is?" Those conversations were the ones that made me laugh because if only they knew. But there were other whispers, those that came from those that were privileged and spoiled, those that were like Eve and Mirae. The ones who wanted the spotlight even when it wasn't for them. The comments that came from the popular girls were something along the lines of "Really a goody two shoes nobody was hanging out with idols? Yeah right, she can barely speak to others without catching an attitude or ignoring them"

"But it's possible, you know. Idols have friends that aren't famous an-"

"So what? They usually grew up together or are planning on training themselves. Rhena just showed up one day with no explanation. The teachers won't even say anything about her and she just seems so out of place"

"I mean I guess so. I suppose it does make sense"

I sighed, tuning out the conversation now and opening my locker and turned to the group that was speaking "You know Mirae, the teachers don't say anything because I asked them not to. And my sister, she's none of your business but I'm sure you all follow her on Instagram" I give a grin before going silent and putting my extra books in my locker and grabbing my headphones as i left for gym class. It wasn't my favorite elective but it wasn't intolerable. The only ones that tended to make the class awful were Josh, Mirae and Eve but that's neither here nor there since class went just fine without a bother from any of them and then when I was in class with Kiro I was quiet too. I wasn't complaining but it made me feel like there was something bigger at play. Like everyone else knew something and I didn't. And then came the announcement during home room, the teacher had a note from the principal addressed to all students and it read something like:

"It has come to my attention that there have been a few instances of quarrels among students and some serious allegations of bullying amongst peers. There have been enough reports that should I receive anymore or even hear mentions of it from teacher i will have no choice but to revoke the school dance and postpone it until a later date when rumors and issues between students have settled down that peers feel comfortable mingling and that they would be able to enjoy the event. I am hopeful that these issues will stop soon and that the Dance will still happen and that we will continue to have a safe and friendly after the dance"

-Principal Lee

"Guess more students than just me were struggling" I mumbled to myself. Then again I suppose I had told the principal that there were some bullying issues so in a way I did ensure that others would get to feel safe again soon too but that didn't guarantee anything permanent. But it did make me think, and I may have had a way to solve this but it would have to wait until after the dance, it would surely stir up some drama but maybe it would be a way I could start to make a difference. Since the principal had threatened to take away the dance there was nothing that happened between the week of the announcement and the week of the dance and all the way up to the dance. That being said for once there wasn't anything wrong. I just got to enjoy school for once. Something I thought that I would never say. Even the dance was enjoyable, at least what I remember is enjoyable.

Queen of the Courtحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن