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a baby was crying loudly in the car seat placed on the carpet in the tea room. alexandra didn't know what to do, she was pacing back and forth. the baby started to cry even harder as alexandra rummage through the baby bag finding a pacifier and sticking it in the newborn's mouth which made them silent.

she let out a sigh of relief, finally she thought. zade and hannah were on there way over. the newborn baby began to close her eyes while rapidly latching onto the pacifier, alex sat down on the couch. she ran her fingers through her hair beginning to feel sick.

she couldn't fathom that she is watching lily and grant's newborn daughter. she didn't want too nor did she expect too. his parents had an emergency meeting and she was nearby. no time for explaining or anything. they just dropped the baby off with her knowing their granddaughter is in good hands

meanwhile alexandra has barley even batted an eye at the newborn baby.......

giada alessia armani

lily only thought it was right for the baby to have her fathers last name. she couldn't do it. motherhood is something she is not ready for, so she gave her daughter up for adoption. giada is in good hands living with her grandparents

grant's parents were shocked when finding out lily was pregnant with their grandchild. so shocked that his mother fell to the ground. they didn't attack lily or yell at her when finding out. God only knows how scared she was knowing she was pregnant then suddenly her recent ex boyfriend and father of her child committed...

they couldn't imagine. lily had a safe pregnancy. with grant's parents there every step of the way. alexandra was there for her but she couldn't be there for the birth of the baby. it is something lily and alex never bring up.

grant's parents told lily she is always more than welcome to come see her daughter but lily just.... vanished after she gave birth. she wants to move on with her life and doesn't want her daughter knowing who she is. she loves her baby and wants nothing but the absolute best for that baby.

suddenly the baby started crying again but luckily hannah and zade ran through the front doors. the ran towards the crying seeing alexandra sitting there sighing

hannah quickly picked the baby up carefully putting her near her heart. as soon as the baby heard her heartbeat, she stopped crying. "you okay?" zade asked

"no." alexandra said still looking down. hannah carefully rocked the baby back and forth.

"i can't do this. can you guys please watch her for me?" alexandra breathed heavily, the embarrassment in her voice was apparent

"of course we can, alexandra." hannah assured as giana began to fall asleep. alex shook her head, "i'm so sorry. i sound like a horrible person." alex shot up from her chair

"no you don't alex." zade said with an understanding voice. alex refused to listen, "no i sound like a bad family friend not wanting to watch grant and lily's daughter." she placed her hands on her hips shuddering

she shut her eyes tightly as zade and hannah looked at each other sadly. they felt bad for their friend. "i can't do it." alex slapped her hands roughly onto her thighs looking at zade

her face was wet from tears at this rate. "i can't even look at the baby because all i'm going to see is grant." she admitted with her chest tightening from pain. she began to silently cry, hannah carefully sat the sleeping baby back into the car seat covering her with a blanket making sure to keep her warm.

zade and hannah walked over to alexandra who was about to sink into the floor but they caught her in time comforting her and letting her cry.

somewhere in the united states, piper and emily were relaxing drinking wine while watching skins. emily quickly shot up running into the bathroom with piper following in behind her

emily shut the door instantly with piper softly knocking showing concern for her friend. "em, you alright in there?" she yelled loud enough

emily continued violently coughing but stopped so she could speak, "i'm good!" she assured but piper wasn't buying it, she quickly opened the door to see her friend hovered over the sink. she stood up turning around making sure her fingers covered her lips

it was clear she was trying to hide something from piper who looked over then gasped, "emily what the hell?" she asked scared as there was blood splattered in the shiny white sink

emily coughed one last time, "i'm good."

"you're obviously fucking not! i'm taking you to a doctor. you've had this cough for too long. there is no reason for you to have a prolonged cough for this many months."

emily just sighed as piper dragged her to the doctor. neither of them had any idea what was going on with her body

hey guys some personal things are going on within my life but i'm going to keep going for you guys because you all always stand ten toes behind me. i love you all dearly and thank you for your patience.🤍

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