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📸 by venetia

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📸 by venetia

"oooo these look cool!!" venetia yelled throwing another box of fireworks into the shopping basket making alexandra sigh. the basket was overflowing at this point

alexandra saw as farleigh picked up something, "no more!! grab a few sparklers and we are done after that." she concluded pointing at him. farleigh rolled his eyes putting them box back where it belonged

alexandra quickly walked up to the cashier struggling to put the heavy basket on the counter but she eventually got it up there. the cashier widened his eyes seeing how much explosives she had, "having a party?" he asked beginning to scan all the stuff

"something like that." she answered with a faint smile, the cashier was friendly as ever. farleigh and venetia came up throwing sparklers onto the counter. farleigh looked at the cashier with disgust noticing that he was old with hair grey than ever. he placed his arms onto the counter peeping behind it.

farleigh grinned, "so how long have you been working here? twenty something years probably right?" he smiled as the cashier gave him a quick glare while continuing to scan all their items, "i own this place, has been open as far as i can remember. it's a family business." the man stated proudly making alexandra smile

"it's a really nice store. i love all the vintage posters and decorations you have hanging up." she mentioned making him smile

"thank you sweetheart, that was my wife's and mother's idea." alexandra nodded then realization soon hit her, she quickly looked out the window to see a gorgeous blonde woman picking trash up from around the store outside

alexandra pointed with her thumb, "wait that's your wife?" she asked making him nod like he was proud to be married to her

"she is gorgeous and so nice!!" alexandra said excitedly making him happy, farleigh was on the verge of gagging. "how'd you pull her?" he asked playfully hitting his hand causing him to quit what he was doing. he gave falreigh a mean mug

"farleigh, quit it." alexandra warned but he kept on going which made her shift uncomfortably, "no, i'm just wondering is all. how did you pull someone like her plus maybe you should consider a better wardrobe since you do own this place." farleigh insisted making venetia quietly snicker

alexandra slapped her hand onto the table, "okay, you know what? you guys go on to the car? i'll pay for it all." was all she had to say, the two of them immediately ran out making her scoff. she was utterly embarrassed, "i'm really sorry about him." she apologized

he told her the damage, she then paid him leaving a tip. he nicely handed her two brown paper bags. "how old you are you?" the man asked as alex brought the bags down to her sides, "eighteen."

it didn't even seem like it to him. she was so mature for her age to the point where it was scary. "a piece of advice?" the cashier said closing his register, he sounded serious

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