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'My parents are coming in like a few minutes so I have to gather everyone....how am I going to get Idia to come back down here. Maybe Ortho? Possibly both of us would have to convince him or I could see if Ortho Gould drag him? That sounds like a solid plan.' 

Since most of us were still in the dining room or in the living room, I only had to get Idia  to come down since he was only there to get some of the sweets and pet Grim. "Nya Human! I need some more food right now!" He stomped in front of me.

I rolled my eyes at him. "Grim my name is Y/n not human! And you just ate how are you still hungry?!" I looked at him and he looked back at me with a smirk. "Well HENCHMAN, my stomach is never full!"

I internally groaned. I walked towards the kitchen cabinet and grabbed him a can of tuna. I opened it and gave it to the annoying cat in front of me. "Thanks human! At least you're good for something." He cackled. 'maybe I should kick him out.' I looked at him felling irritated. 

I decided to ignore him and chose to try and convince Idia to come down since my mom is most definitely going to want to see EVERYONE in this house. I walked upstairs and went to the game room since Idia mostly spends his day there.

The door was closed so I knocked on it before opening it. "Hey man, um could you come downstairs? My parents are gonna be here any minute and she's wanting to see everyone that came through." Idia looked nervous as hell.

"Uh wait your um parents are coming home now?! Omg what are they going to think when they see all of us..." He almost mumbled the second part but I could still hear him. He curled up into a ball, but thankfully Ortho was in the room with us so he helped uncurl him.

"Yea sorry man but everyone need to be down there. You can probably just do a quick introduction and then come back up here but I don't know if my mom would allow it..." I started to ramble. "But maybe if I tell her you're antisocial and you have high anxiety? Hmm what if I just also explained that you're very shy too that could secure you case with being excused. My mom is pretty nice so you might be let go easily." 

I looked up and saw Idia and Ortho were starting at me, and I immediately got red. " Ah sorry for rambling, I was trying to think of some ways for you to come back here fast since I know you're not comfortable being with a large crowd and especially with the other guys since you're pretty much uncomfortable being next to them. Ah I did it again..."

'Gosh how am I supposed to interact with him. This is so awkward... Wait what is he playing?' "hey is that call of duty?" 

"Um yes I was wondering how different your games were from our world and they're really amazing, and I can't really blame you for rambling and I appreciate you trying to help this normal NPC!" He was slightly red. It was kinda cute.

"I would love to show you some other games after we do all of these introductions. I think you'd like fnaf and it's lore. I'd also like to show you some YouTubers that do awesome game plays."

"Oh! I think I've seen it somewhere, umm ah right I saw it on a YouTube video. It looked really awesome."

"Great! Maybe we could talk more downstairs?" He started to fiddle with his fingers. "I can always be in front of you so the others wouldn't see you much." He nodded. 

" I think that would be ok..." He got off the chair and stood behind me with Ortho. While we were going downstairs, I heard the door opened. 'Fuck" I grabbed Idia bridal style. "I'm sorry but they're already opening the door and we have to be down there quickly." I practically jumped down the stairs, Ortho not too behind and once we made it to the living room I saw my parents in the entrance.

"Hey mom 👋..." I quickly placed Idia down he went behind me really quick. I walked towards my mom. 

"So um... These are the guys and um theydonthaveawaytogobackhome." 


"Y/n...do they have someone in their world that is trying to get them back?" I looked surprised, I was sure that she was going to be mad....but she's not? 

"Ma'am we are sorry for the inconvenience, but as of right now we have no way of going back home. But our headmaster is currently trying to get us back because as of right now we don't have any magic." I looked at Riddle with a smile 'THANK YOU RIDDLE!' 

"Hmmm now this is a real pickle then. I know that this house is large but it's definitely not large enough to house all of you. How would you like it if for the time being you live in one of our villas? I'm sure that it would be much better. You would even have more space!" My mom smiled at them.

My dad wasn't saying much but I could tell that he was pretty shocked that I was telling the truth. "We greatly appreciate your kindness Miss!" Trey and Riddle are definitely carrying the team.

"Ok then! It would be a little bit farther from here but I think our son wouldn't mind being with y'all." What. I guess I knew that was going to happen. I'm practically responsible for them at this point.

"Now I know it's late so we should probably discuss this more in the morning, but could you boys introduce yourselves?" 

Each one introduced themselves. When it was Idia's turn he peaked his head from behind me and then his again. My mom smiled softly.

"Ah it seems you have a little boy among you. Hello, what's your name?" 

"Hi! My name is Ortho, and Idia is my big brother!" 

"Aww well aren't you a cutie pie." 

"I guess that's it for introductions, I hope you kids have a great night. Y/n, we would like to talk to you privately." Ah... I knew it. I told Idia that he could go back to the room now and everyone else disbanded. I followed my parents to their room.

Once we made it inside, my mom closed the door behind us and made sure to lock it before she gave me a hard stare. "Mom-"

"Y/n what in the world did you do?" 

"I didn't do anything! They just magically teleported here while I was trying to play twisted wonderland!" She rubbed her temple. 

"Why the heck did you not tell us sooner? We could have sent you some extra money, we could've even wrapped up our business sooner and helped you with those boys, lord knows the trouble you caused with them." She sighed.

"Ay Y/n... You're banned from playing games on your phone." 

"But... I did nothing wrong!😭🙏" I got on my knees. 

My mom whacked me on the head. I groaned and grabbed my head. "Mom! Owww."

"Y/n we don't know what other people will come out of your phone so for right now, everytime you open that app you MUST tell us." 

"Ok so um... I've already opened the app 2 times, and that's how we figured out that we could talk to the headmaster, but then Grim came through." I chuckled nervously.

"Gosh what are we going to do with you. Thanks for telling us, you can go know." I got up and left the room. 

I walked to my room and just plopped on my bed. Thankfully Leona wasn't here otherwise he would have hit me for plopping on him. It's gonna be an eventful day tomorrow....

Twisted wonderland is in my living room?! (twisted wonderland x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now