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I got up from the couch. "We have a really big problem now. How the heck am I supposed to tell my parents that we are going to be housing some more teens." I grabbed my face with my hands and dragged them down. "Ughhhhh. I need some time to think." I made my way to my room and closed the door and made sure I locked it. I flopped on my bed before letting out a loud groan. 

I laid like that for a couple minutes before I reached for my phone on the nightstand. I decided to see if anything changed from their game so I clicked on the twisted wonderland icon. I stared at it while it loaded, it took a couple minutes before I saw the tittle screen. "It looks normal so far... what the-" staring at me through the screen was Crowley. 

He moved his mouth and the text box showed up. 'Hello. It seems that you have my students with you. Is that correct?'  I immediately sat up. I nodded my head to see if he could actually see me. He could... "HOLY SHIT" 

I dashed out of my room and accidentally bumped into Floyd. "What's up crabby?" I showed him my phone. 'Ah Hello Mr.Leech! I hope you are doing well?' Floyd stared at the headmaster before he handed my phone to Azul. 

"Ehhh? Not my time to deal with that. Lets go hang out Crabby!" Floyd swung his arm over my shoulders pushing all of his weight on to me. "What- wait! I need to know what the fuck your headmaster is going to say!" I tried to pull myself away from him but it was no use.  I was dragged away from the info I so desperately needed. 


I was handed the phone and looked at it with confusion but then it quickly disappeared when I saw the Headmaster smiling. I composed myself quickly. "Ah hello Headmaster." 

'Hello Mr. Ashengrotto! This gracious headmaster of yours is working very diligently to get you all back to school! Hahaha'  I slightly sweat dropped. 

"That's wonderful news!" 

'Why yes it is. Well I'll be back then. You students aren't going to get back faster if I keep talking to you, have a good time!' The headmaster waved at me before the screen shut off. If the headmaster is taking this job then there is a chance we might stay here for years.... I shuddered at the thought.


"Floyd! What are you doing?!" I was resisting a lot and I guess Floyd got annoyed so he slung me over his shoulder like a sack of potatoes, my head facing his back so I couldn't see where we were going but I could guess that we were going towards his room or somewhere near it. I looked around to see if anyone was nearby and thankfully Jade was in the hallway. 

"JADE" I was able to get his attention but I think it was a mistake cause once he saw us he had a slight smirk. He walked closer to us

"Floyd why to you have our host over your shoulder?" He walked in front of Floyd so I couldn't see him anymore. I tried to wiggle out of Floyd's grasp but it was no use so I just laid there limp. Then I got the best idea ever. I'm going to slap his ass. I had a mischievous look in my eyes, I stretched my arm to see if it was long enough to reach. 

It was

I got my self prepared to slap him, '1..2..3!'  I slammed my hand on his butt. It..it jiggled?

"Oi sharky what the hell did you do?" I looked over my shoulder to see both Floyd and Jade glaring at me with smiles on their face.

'Oh no...' Why are they so creepy 😭 if I could I would crawl into a hole and die. I regret my actions. I turned my head around so I couldn't see them and started to pray. 'lord if I make it out alive let me win the lotto' 


"FUCK" I was dropped on my face. "That was not nice sharky, I think you need to be taught a lesson." I quickly got up and dashed away from them. "Haha no thanks I'm good!"

I could hear both of them chasing after me so I ran to the living room and saw Ruggie balancing some things on Leona's head '...how the fuck is he doing that?' I continued to run and went to the kitchen. I would have run around the table but there was two of them and they could've easily caught me. 

I guess I slowed down a little cause the next thing I know I'm getting squeezed. "IM SORRY I ONLY DID IT SO YOUR WOULD LET GO OF ME! PLEASE SPARE ME."

"Hmmm how about... no." I could feel myself start to pass out but then I heard a pop. The force of his squeeze popped my back and oh lord it felt like heaven even if I almost suffocated. I went limp in his hold. Floyd shook me "hey sharky are you dead?" 

"Jade I think I killed him." He held me for a couple seconds before dropping me again. "It seems so. Maybe next time don't be so rough with our host."

"Eh? But then it wouldn't be fun!" My back might feel better but the rest of my body doesn't, maybe a short nap wouldn't hurt. It is floor time after all.


College classes are killing me- hope y'all like this chapter. I've got another chapter in the works, hopefully that one doesn't take as long as this one to complete. 

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