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'WHY DOES GOD HATE ME!?' As of right now I'm being cornered by a cockroach that's right in front of me. "SIR STEP AWAY FROM ME PLEASE I HAVE A FAMILY!" but to no avail, the cockroach did not give a single crap about what I said and instead started walking even faster towards me.

"MOM PLEASE HEKP ME IM GOING TO DIE" At this point I'm internally crying and I'm like this close from having a mental breakdown. My lord and Savior, my mother saved me.

"Oh (Y/N) it's just a little cockroach 😊" I don't know how she isn't afraid of those things they are literally the devil in disguise. She scooped it up and threw it outside the window. "Dear I do hope that you remember that me and your father are going on a trip abroad right?" Still being in the corner scared, I nod my head. "Wonderful! Ok dear we're leaving tonight so I left you some food in the fridge that way when you get the munchies at night you'll have something."

I look at my mom and I wonder how she is super nice but can be like a demon when she's pissed. "Thanks mom. I appreciate it." 'I can finally play twisted wonderland Tonight!' So here's the thing. I'm the type of person that can know so much about a game or a show but never have watched or played it.

'oh I can't wait!'

Time skip to night time

"Bye guys! Hope y'all have a nice trip."
"Bye dear! We love you!"
I smile at them before they drive off. Time to play twisted wonderland. So I go up to my room and bring my phone downstairs to play in the living room. I turn on the TV to play some music in the background that way it's not too quiet.

I clicked the app expecting to see the normal intro but something weird happens. My phone shuts off. I try to turn it back on but it won't work so I just leave it for a few minutes to see if it just needed some time.

So because playing twisted was out of the question I played the next best thing. Just dance. So I turn on the Xbox and I put on just dance. While the song is loading I try to see if my phone was working and it actually turned on this time. "Damn I guess you just needed some time to prepare or what?" It turns on but instead of seeing my Markiplier lock screen I see the mirror from twisted wonderland. "What the duck is going on. Are you working now? Or are you broken?"

Instead of messing with my phone I just play just dance cause not looking at my phone should help right? So I play Boom bah yah. While I'm dancing I see a light from the corner of my eye but I pay no mind to it cause I'm too focused on trying to get all perfects. I know that was pretty stupid of me but like my perfects.

Leona POV

"Why are we having this meeting again?" I asked cause I'm quite annoyed cause this meeting I'd disturbing my nap. "We are here because the Headmaster has something to tell us." The Octo punk said. "Well where is he then?" "I am here!" The bird brain said.

"About time. I was getting impatient."

"I'm having this meeting because it seems as though something has happened to the mirror."

"What do you mean? Is the mirror broken?" The tomato said.

"Heavens no. For I am gracious, I shall show you. Dark mirror please show what you showed me before."

I look to the mirror and I see some herbivore dancing? "Hey crow man why are we watching some herbivore dancing?"

"I have no idea. The mirror just showed this to me before and it confused me greatly."

No one's POV

While all of the housewardens and vice housewardens were distracted with the male, they didn't realize that the mirror was starting to glow. When they realized it was too late. The closest one being Riddle was being sucked into the mirror. This then caused everyone other than Crowley to be sucked into the mirror.


While dancing I hear a crash behind me. I turn around and I regret it immediately. Right in front of me is many twisted wonderland characters. "HOLY SHIT. WHY ARE YALL HERE!?"

I go to grab my phone but someone beat me to it. I look up to see that Lilia had my phone. "OMG I think I'm going to pass out." I feel myself drop to my knees while still looking at Lilia who's hanging upside down. " I don't think I can deal with this." I look to the others and see that they are still disoriented and so I look back to Lilia and then I get up and book it straight to my room.

I don't even make it a few feet before I feel something trip me and I land face flat on the floor. While I lay there accepting that these guys are actually in my house. "Excuse me, can I get my phone please." I only lift up my hand because I can't even face them. I feel my phone back in my hand. I slowly look up to see that my phone doesn't turn on. "Why did y'all kill my phone😭"

Twisted wonderland is in my living room?! (twisted wonderland x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now