Holy guacamole

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After looking at Leona for a few more seconds, I just turn back around to go to the kitchen again. 'I need to eat before I think any harder.'

'So let's see what I can eat hmm. Cereal or eggs with toast? Should I make some for the other humans in my home? Meh they probably won't eat it if I did.'


While (Y/N) was cooking himself some breakfast, Leona was starting to wake up because of the bacon. When Leona fully woke up he was confused on where he was but then he remembered he was at the herbivore's house.

He quietly went to the kitchen to see (Y/N) talking to himself while cooking?


"So if they wake up am I going to have to make more breakfast for them or will they cook it themselves? Cause I don't really want to make them wait for food but then at the same time I don't want to stop eating just so I can make them some food. Tho I could just ignore them completely until they talk to me first. But that would be mean right? How about-"

"Hey herbivore why are y-"


Leona covered his ears because of my scream. After my scream I could see that Leona was irritated but I couldn't care less. "Dude WTF!"

"Damn that was one loud girly scream herbivore."

"Sorry but you just scared the bajesus out of me man. Wait-" I look to NH food and see that it's almost dead. "MY FOOD"


"Damn it tastes bad but mama didn't raise no wasteful kid."

"You're weird you know that." I looked up from eating to see Leona looking at me and my food in disgust. "You're one to talk."

"What.did.you.say?" I could see he was somewhat angry. So I did what any person would've done.

"Did the womb only give you ears for decoration? I said you're one to talk." When I finished I had a small smirk on my face but it soon vanished when I saw how mad that made him. If looks could kill I would've been six feet under.

I see that Leona is getting ready to pounce so before he does I get out of my seat. Thank goodness I did otherwise I would've been captured by him. "Hey calm down kitty no need to be so hostile."

"Come here ya damn herbivore!"

"Ha no- shit" Leona was literally running towards me at full speed so I started running as well. Since I didn't want to potentially have a rampaging kitty destroy something in my house I took this chase outside in my backyard.





I continue to run in around in a circle because that's the only way I know that I can still be alive. Slowly but surely I'm running out of stamina and that would mean death. 'With all the noise we're making I'm sure that someone is bound to be awake now. Hopefully they can help me with my predicament haha....'

(Sorry for the short chapter but if I have time I might make another one tomorrow)

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