Save me popeye!

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'I really shouldn't have said that. Why must I dig myself a bigger hole?' I wanted to look behind but I knew that if I did that I would slow down and that would just end badly. I look to the house to see someone by the window.

Lilia POV

I was sleeping peacefully but then all of a sudden I heard a ruckus in the kitchen. Then I heard it move out side so being the curious person I am, I went to look out the window in the room I'm currently residing in. 'Oh my. What a wonderful display! Now how on earth did this happen?🤭'

(Emojis can be slanted?)

I continued to marvel at the display in front of me, but all of a sudden the owner of the house locked eye with me. 'I wonder, is he going to ask for help?'


'oh it's Lilia. Does twisted wonderland have Popeye? I'll just see what happens.'

"Might want to cover your ears kitty." I slightly smirk.

"Why the hell would I do that."

"Suit yourself" I lock eyes with Lilia and in my most Olive like voice I shout. "SAVE ME POPEYE!" To top it all off, while I said that I had the back of my hand to my forehead and the other on my chest.

I don't know what I even expected to happen but it for sure wasn't this. Currently I'm being held up in the air like some kidby Lilia. Like you know when you put your hands under their armpits and you raise them up like Simba? Yeah like that.

While I'm having second hand embarrassment from the way he's carrying me, Leona shouts at Lilia.


"Please listen to the big kitty cat. I don't think I can survive any longer in this position." I can feel my soul leaving me.

"If that what you want then." Next thing I know is that I'm on the ground. This bitch dropped me. Thankfully we weren't that high up but Leona was finally able to catch me.

"SIR PLEASE I SURRENDER." I looked at Lilia from the corner of my eye and I swear I saw him narrow his eye for a second but when I blinked, he wasn't there anymore.

Apparently my little plea did nothing cause when I looked back to Leona I saw his fist right above my face.

I guess I still had some adrenaline left in me cause I kicked Leona in the dick before he could hit me.

Leona POV

'i finally have him now!' I look down to the herbivore who had a lot of balls to insult me like he did.

"SIR PLEASE I SURRENDER." I didn't care for his plea but while he was looking at the short stack I took the time to get my fist ready.

I felt an a whole lot of pain.

"FUCKING SHIT" I rolled off of him.


"Oh no man down!" Shit I didn't think I would kill him this early. Damn I don't think he's going to be available right now.

"Sorry man. I'm just going to head back inside my house now..." I walk slowly towards the door while still looking at Leona whose still on the ground but he did have enough strength to flip me off.

I open the door to see everyone in the living room.

"Hi?" I look at everyone in the room and I'm just realizing how crazy this is. 'How could this be possible. What the fuck am I going to do now. These people don't even know me. I literally know everything about them.'

I stopped my little brain rambling when I heard someone talking.

"Potato, would you mind explaining why you were outside with that poor excuse of a prince?"

Damn and I thought I was harsh.

"I might have said some things to him."

"Care to explain what?" This time it was Azul who talked.

"Not really. Anyway, how did y'all even get here." I looked at them thinking they might have an idea of how they got transported to the "real world." Lilia spoke.

"That we don't know. We were at night raven college looking at the mirror. We did however see you dancing in the mirror. Might I say you were remarkable." Lilia ended with a light smirk on his "young" face.

"I think I might have to tell y'all something. This isn't your world anymore. If I had to guess my world would be the equivalent of yuu's world." I could see that this put them on edge. Even Leona who had just opened the door.

"What do you mean." Jamil narrowed his eyes at me.

"I have no idea how this could've happened but maybe I could show you?" I went to grab my phone. But before I could Lilia seemed to grab it first.

"Hmm not yet child. We still have some more questions we need to ask you."

I'm a dead man now. I don't think I should have told them but I think it would've been way worse than this.

"I'll try to answer your questions, but I should expect you all to answer some of mine. Deal?" I looked at them all.

"If it means getting more answers before you show us that thing you wanted then Deal." Azul tried to make a contract but it wouldn't work.

"What?! My contracts. I can't make them!"



YAY bigger chapter today!

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