what now?

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Riddle POV

"Everyone try using your magic right now!" Everyone pulled out their pens to try their magic. I tried using mine but it just wasn't working. 'WHY ISN'T IT WORKING?! THIS JUST ISN'T POSSIBLE.'

"What about Lilia he's able to float" I looked at the unknown person in front of us and then to Lilia who was indeed floating.

"Lilia how are you floating."

"Fufufu. It seems that I still have some magic in me. What about you Malleus?"

"It seems as though I don't have magic at the moment."

"I've got some magic." We all look towards Leona.

"You have your magic? How is that possible. How is it that both you and Lilia still have your magic while the rest of us don't!" I say.

"By any chance did you two do something different this morning?" Azul says.

"Other than fighting with this thing, not really."


I let out an offended gasp when he called me a thing.

"Good sir! I am not a thing rather I am a human named (Y/N)!"

"At least now we know the herbivore's name" damn I forgot to tell them my name.

"But the kitty is right. I only fought with him and Lilia somewhat saved me." I stared at them and they stared at me. Azul, Riddle and Malleus seemed to be in deep thought.

"Wait. Where's the cute flame guy." I just need to refer to them as little nick names until I get them to tell me their names. Cause it's weird to know that some stranger knows all your names.

"My brother is currently in the room he stayed in last night. He's not very fond of social interaction so if you could please excuse him!" Omg Ortho is super adorable.

"Thanks little man." I want to pet his head so bad but that would be weird. So I settled with giving him a smile.

"Back to the magic issue at hand, how is it that only two of us have magic and the others don't?" Azul questioned while also pushing his glasses up.

'i'd be funny if they are able to use magic when they touch me. It would be like that one manwha that I read.'

(Is that how you spell it?)

"Let me try my magic again." We look to Leona. He pulls out his pen and does a motion and says something but it doesn't work. He tried again but it still doesn't work.

"Fuck! Why isn't it working anymore?!" I look to Lilia to see if his is working too. Guess what. It didn't.

"Since yall can't use magic right now, I guess its time for some introductions?" As I said that, they looked at me with slight uncertainty.

"Let me start first. Hi the names (Y/N) and I'm (Your age)! And this is my parents house so please don't destroy anything." I had a slight smile on my face to seem somewhat friendly towards them.

"I'm Lilia and this young man is Malleus." Malleus gave me a slight nod. And from there everyone game me their names. Ortho introduced himself and Idia cause we know Idia would never introduce himself face to face.

Floyd gave me a really big grin when he introduced himself. I think he might murder me in my sleep.

"Ok. Since we got introductions out of the way, what are y'all going to do."

"Well, since we aren't in our world and we don't have anything on us, could we stay here?" I looked at Azul.

"I guess it won't be a problem. I would need to help y'all get a lot of things. Like clothes, and other necessities. We would also need to see how y'all would go outside cause people would stare at y'alls hair..."

"Um what do you mean people would stare at us." I stopped my rambling to look at Kalim.

"So um. Technically in this world y'all are game characters." Maybe I shouldn't have said that cause all hell broke loose.

"WHAT DO YOU MEAN WHERE GAME CHARACTERS!?" Everyone looked shocked.

"Is that why you had figurines of us in your room?" I looked towards Malleus. 'he whent into my room?'

"Yes. I know this might seem crazy but it's true. Here let me pull it up on my phone." I motioned to Lilia to give me back my phone. When he gave it back I pulled up twisted wonderland and showed it to them.

"See." I gave them my phone to see.

"So we never had any privacy? Everyone here knows everything?" All of the housewardens except Malleus had a look of terror on their face.

"Can you tell me who has already ovebloted?" I saw no one raise their hands.

"What do you mean? Do we overblot in the game?" Kalim looked scared.

"Yes. But not you Kalim." He looked slightly less scared but I knew that he wasn't relieved.

"Y'all know of the magic less human in y'all school right?" They all nodded.

"Good. At least that gives me a clear understanding of where we are. I should also let you know that I know a lot."

Twisted wonderland is in my living room?! (twisted wonderland x male reader)Where stories live. Discover now