On the road

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The guys were relatively cooperative, and things went by smoothly. But Floyd did get on my nerves a lot of the time. 

"Hey Crabby are we there yet?" I looked in the review mirror and saw him smirking because this was like the 55th time he's said that within the HOUR. I told him to shut up for like five minutes and he took it literally. Those were the best five minutes of my life. 

"Floyd I swear to anyone out there, if you don't stop saying that shit I will drop you and your brother on the side of the road." The other people in the car had some slight shocked expressions, not truly expecting me to react like that j guess.

"Now may I ask why I'm being punished with my brother?" 

"It's because you haven't been stoping him when I practically told you like 20 minutes ago to make him stop and you just ignored me and talked with Azul, so of course I'm going to punish you too. And also if I punish both of you then Floyd might stop. So please heed my warning, cause I'm not playing." 

Floyd looked at Jade for a little and then Jade sighed. "Floyd don't do it anymore."

"Aww but it was hilarious seeing him get riled up!" He was practically whining like a child. 

"Monsieur l' agent, was your threat a promise? Would you really leave them out?" 

"Honestly Rook, with how much he was annoying me I think I would've if he said it aga-"

"Hey Crabby how close are we to the Villa."


"Monsieur l' agent. He did word it differently... So technically it doesn't count?"

I took a deep breath and just chose to ignore everyone one. I decided that I need some music right now to help calm me so I easily put on a song. For how annoyed I was 'I duckinf hate you' by GHOSTEMANE seemed like the best choice. 

"I you guys are probably not gonna like this song but it's mandatory for me right now to play a song like this, for y'all's safety at least." 

"Oooh is it gonna be a pop song?" The mer trio kinda laughed at Floyd's comment.

I played the song, and after a few minutes, Azul and Floyd looked slightly horrified. Rook was kinda analyzing the song and Jade surprisingly was enjoying it. After the song I left slightly better but the feeling was still there, and thankfully the next song was 'The Bards last note' by Kim Dracula and Ricky Desktop.

Rook, Azul, and Floyd definitely didn't like this song. I didn't really pay much mind to them and I was casually singing along to the song. While those three were contemplating life, me and Jade were enjoying the song.

After the song I felt a lot better. "Ah now I feel better, sorry for the music guys but I'm surprised that you liked it Jade." 

"Jade has loved that type of music as long as I can remember and honestly it's gotten worse since we got older. He has a lot of pent up anger." 

"Azul I would like it if you didn't discuss my anger with others, but he is correct about me liking this music."

"I'll keep that in mind, I've got a lot of other songs that you might like then. I'd love to show them to you some other time since these guys don't seem to enjoy it."

"Can't wait for the time to come." I smiled and decided to put on some different music for these guys. K-pop? Maybe.

"Guys what music do you like, pop? Wait, what type of music do you guys have in y'all's world. Should be similar to what we have I think."

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