Moving out

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Riddle POV

*Before they all left* 

'This is strange. How is it that she is not fuming? Mother would have been aloud uninvited strangers to be in her home.' 

"Y/ they have someone in their world that is trying to get them back?" How is she this calm? Is it normal for this world for a parent to be this lenient? How absurd.

"Ma'am we are sorry for the inconvenience, but as of right now we have no way of going back home. But our headmaster is currently trying to get us back because as of right now we don't have any magic."

Surely this would have been a nightmare for them. Having 14 teenagers who have no way of getting home would surely make them irritated...right?

"Hmmm now this is a real pickle then. I know that this house is large but it's definitely not large enough to house all of you. How would you like it if for the time being you live in one of our villas? I'm sure that it would be much better. You would even have more space!" She smiled at us. 

Although I didn't show it, I was at a lost of words. This was definitely not the response I was expecting. 

 "We greatly appreciate your kindness Miss!" I looked at Trey. Did he see no problem with how they reacted? I glanced around at the others and no one was phased, 'Jamil? He seems somewhat different.' 

She dismissed us after a little introduction. I decided that I must talk with Trey. "Trey could I speak with you." He looked at me and nodded. We walked to our temporary room and closed the door.

"Trey, why did she not react? We are clearly an inconvenience to them but they didn't react at all!" 


"Mother would have definitely never allow people outside of family to be in her home. She would have told them to find another means of housing. It's just absurd!"

"...Riddle, I'm not too sure why they didn't have a stronger reaction but I do know that they seem nice enough to not think of us as an inconvenience. I'm sure they-"

"But... Please I did nothing wrong!" Was that Y/n?

"See! Now they are pushing him. He wouldn't be crying like that if they weren't, it's because we are an inconvenience to them."

"I don't think they punished him like you think they did Riddle. Let's just check up on him tomorrow morning. We should get some rest, we have a long day awaiting us." 

"Fine." I couldn't stop thinking about what punishment they gave Y/n. Did they perhaps take his free time away? 

I walked to the restroom to do my night time routine and saw Y/n walk sluggish to his room. 'It must have been bad. But like mother says. Mother is always right...'

Time skip to the next morning


After the whole ordeal from yesterday, we can see our protagonist on his bed still sleeping. Since his parents are here, they won't let him sleep in...."Y/n! It's time for you to get up." His mother, Mrs. May was still slightly upset about the secrets that her son kept from them. So, he does not get the luxury of sleeping in today.

"Five more minutes pls ma..." Y/n mumbled into the pillow. Miss May groaned and walked towards her son's bed and pulled the covers. "No sleeping in for you mister, not today at least. We have a long day ahead of us so chop chop. Get out of bed and make sure you pack some more clothes. You might still have some over there in the villa but just to be safe." 

He groaned in response. "Okay I'm up...ugh." he slowly lifted his body from his bed and stretched. He got off an started doing his morning duties, brushing his teeth, washing his face, etc. After he was done using the restroom, he saw Riddle.

"Morning Riddle, you sleep good?" Riddle looked at him, "Yes I slept perfectly fine, but I couldn't help but hear how you were punished yesterday. Whatever punishment you received was most likely one fit for the dilemma. You should've never hid us being here in the first place. It is simply wrong to not inform your parents." Y/n looked somewhat embarrassed.

"You heard me? Damn that's so embarrassing, but I wasn't really punished bad, I was just told that I'm pretty much banned from playing games right now until we get me a new phone. And if I'm going to open the game again I have to tell them first that way they can speak with the Headmaster." 

Riddle looked dumbfounded. 'That's his punishment?... That is considered a punishment? How-how is that even a punishment?! That is definitely not a punishment for this problem.' 

Before Riddle was able to speak, Kalim interrupted. "Y/N, ARE YOU EXCITED FOR TODAY!? WERE GOING TO BE GOING ON A VACATION!!" Kalim was jumping with joy and Y/n couldn't help but smile along with the little ball of sunshine. Riddle looked slightly irritated because of the interruption. "Kalim it is very disrespectful to interrupt a conversation like that. Please refrain from doing that in the future." 

"Ah sorry Riddle, I didn't mean to do that. I was just really excited and couldn't help myself." Jamil walked up behind him. "Kalim what did I tell you about running off like that." Jamil let out a quiet sigh. 

"Doesn't matter, come along now we have things to do in order to be ready for later today. And we need to have breakfast." He turned to the others and did a small bow, he then promptly left with Kalim who was slightly sulking.


After the whole ordeal with Kalim, I looked at Riddle. "Jamil is right, we should probably start getting ready and packing up. You guys a gonna be in for a surprise for the place we're moving in to temporarily." Riddle nodded and so then I left. I walked to the kitchen and saw my mom slightly scolding Jamil and Trey because apparently they were trying to take the responsibility of cooking. 

"You boys shouldn't be straining yourselves with this responsibility. Especially not when me and my husband are here, ah Y/n come here." I walked up the her and she immediately started scolding me too. "Why you help them with breakfast! They shouldn't have been doing it they guests!" 

"Ma I pretty much helped the whole time they were here and they kept telling me not to worry about it, I couldn't even change their minds." 

"Ha... Seriously boys, you shouldn't have to do this, we could've helped you kids your ages shouldn't be cooking for an army of people."

"But ma'am we're are used to doing this, we both usually make food for the other students in our dorm with some help of course but this number of people is nothing." My mom looked at them and sighed.

"Just go eat before I nag even more. And this will be the last time you boys cook by yourselves." She waved us off. We got to the dining room and started eating. My parents joined soon after, and then we all ate comfortably.  

After breakfast we all left to our rooms and started to pack things that we needed. Once everyone was done, we all met at the front of the house. My mom clapped her hands to get our attention. "Ok boys, so with the amount of luggage that you have and the amount of people, we are going to be splitting up. So each one of us, will be driving a vehicle and it would be greatly appreciated if you boys separated into groups based of off which car you want to go in." 

After she said that, the guys immediately did what was asked and I ended up with the mer trio and Rook. My dad got Lilia, Ortho, Idia, and Malleus. And my mom got Riddle, Trey, Kalim, Jamil, Vil, Leona, and Ruggie. Whatever luggage that didn't fit in the cars, were sent in an Uber. 

My group and I were all set, I looked in the mirror before I started the car. "I can't wait for y'all to see the villa, you guys are definitely going to be amazed!" Then we drove off. 


Sorry for this being a day late but hope y'all like it!  Have a nice day ☀️/night🌃 

Twisted wonderland is in my living room?! (twisted wonderland x male reader)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz