Yay social interactions..

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"Ok as I said before y'all are game characters and a lot of people in this world know who you are. Many people like myself love this game. "

I look at them all. They kinda look funny right now but I guess it must be frightening for them cause imagine being thrown into a world you know nothing about but people know about you and your world. You'd be scared too right?

"Since y'all don't have clothes right now, I think it'd be better to buy clothes soon. Cause I don't think I have enough clothes to let y'all borrow."

I saw that they all had different expressions. From scared to no emotion.

"I think it'd be best to let y'all have some time to yourself so I'll just go to my room for now. If you have any questions regarding this place I'll try my best to answer each one."

I gave them a smile and then I headed off to my room. When I reached my door, I saw that the game room light was on so being the curious person I am I went to look.

Obviously I thought it was going to be Idia in there cause who else would be in my game room?

I made sure I was quiet when I opened the door so as to not spook him. Low and behold I see Idia playing on my Oculus. He seems to be playing the new game I got, the one with a bot and you basically work in a convenience store.

I guess the bot was getting annoying cause I heard Idia say some curse words.

"Fucking shit. Can you just shut up?"

Not wanting to be a creep I decided to go to my room and leave him be. I know how embarrassing it is for someone to just stare at you while you're doing something else.

"Damn. How am I going to do this. I first need to know what their sizes are and see if I have anything otherwise they are just going to have to go to the store just as "cosplayers." I'm sure that I probably have something for them though. On to the sleeping problem. I can only have them here for so long cause my parents will be back so..."

I'm currently just speaking to myself at the moment which is why I couldn't hear my door opening.

"Excuse me."

I stopped my rambling to take a look at Riddle who's standing right at my door.


"We were wondering if it would be ok to ask you when we might be able to get clothing."

"If yall wouldn't mind, could I know your sizes? I just want to know if I have anything on hand at the moment. Cause I'm pretty sure y'all want to shower right?"

"Yes, thank you." We both walk out to the living room and they tell my their sizes. And I write it down on my phone cause I have the memory of a goldfish.

"Ok guys I'll see if I have some clothes I can give y'all. Do y'all want to go to the store to pick out your clothes or do you not care about what I bring."

Most of the people wanted to come and by most I mean basically everyone wanted to come. Ortho, Idia, Malleus, Leona wanted to stay though.

I left the room to see if I had some extra clothes in some of the rooms. Thankfully I found some that fit the guys. Now to talk to Idia.

I walked to the game room to see him on his iPad. "Hey um.."

I guess I scared him cause he almost fell off the chair.

"Sorry man didn't mean to scare you. I just wanted to know if you wanted to take a shower and change into these clothes that I have. Ortho gave me your size so let me know if they fit."

I gave him the clothes and just left cause he looked super uncomfortable and didn't look like he wanted to talk.
So I just walked to the others and gave them their temporary clothes.

I gave Reggie a hat cause it'd be weird if people just saw a guy with hyena ears and I gave everyone who had a different eye color than normal some glasses.

Once they were done showering I gave them all some food before we all headed out.

"By any chance, do any of you know how to drive a car?"

"I don't think we're going to know how to drive any car from this world."

"Yea kinda figured. I guess we'll be taking the van then. Everyone hop on."

We all got on my family's 2023 Chevrolet Express Passenger Van. We usually take this car when we go on road trips.

"Is everyone buckled? Ok then, here we go."

While on the road, I kept looking back at them from the rearview mirror and saw how they looked at their surroundings. Some had a few looks of aw.

We finally made it to the mall in about 20 minutes. I saw that it was pretty packed but we got a parking spot not too far away from the entrance.

"Ok guys listen up. We are going to be going in as a whole and if you'd like you can venture off by yourself but you must be with a partner. And by that I mean partner up with your dorm members."

I then started to walk towards the the mall.

'Yay social interaction. I wonder how this going to turn out...."

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