Chapter XXIII: Êlenuil Everstar

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Beneath the waning sky of coming night

Far away shines a distant light

One whose rise tells of days gone by

Of all of elven memories lie.

When dawn had risen, I was in my study watching the falls and listening to the roar of the waters. I knew that Arímë and Haldúir were preparing to leave and I sent Tarthôn in my place. I could not bear losing another part of Êlúriel again.

"Thranduil," I heard my name called. "May I have a word."

"Yes, Êlenuil," I answered. "Speak."

"They have departed," he said. "Súlelenth's parents."

"And you saw them away," I asked.

"Yes. So did Nenduîl and Tárimë. They seemed sad to see them leave. They had just begun to know them. Perhaps they should see them again sometime."

"No," I answered, turning around. "Never will they see them again. I will never see them again."

"Nor will I," he said softly. "I wish to leave for Mithlond at the end of the day."

"With whom will you travel," I asked. "Your father? Your brother?"


"You would leave your children with me then travel so far a distance alone, Êlenuil? Do you know the dangers you could face?"

"I know," he said. "But I travel alone as far as Rivendell."

"Have you spoken to your children," I asked.

"I have," he said. "I am afraid Nenduîl is angry with me. He does not believe that I love him. Tárimë seems wise beyond her years and said not a word."

"He is young," I said. "He will recover in time. Tárimë is much like Êlúriel. She sees a great many things. Perhaps she knows your heart better than you."

"Just like her mother," he said. "You believe me when I say I will miss them, Thranduil?"

"Yes, I do," I answered. "I know why you leave. I wish I could have left after I lost Êlúriel. I did not have the choice you have. I was heir to the throne. No one but me could sit on that throne. Not even your grandfather. I was the son of Oropher, King of Eryn Galen. I was born to rule this kingdom. He was its first king and I will be its last. I have ruled this kingdom for nearly three thousand years. I was the son of Oropher, King of Eryn Galen. I was born to rule this kingdom. He was its first king and I will be its last. I have ruled this kingdom for nearly three thousand years. Should I leave, I will leave as the last Elvenking in all of Arda, for there will never again rule another Elvenking in this world. I find solace in this because I have lived through many perils and though I often lost hope, I never lost my strength. In that strength, hope did arise. Whether I see you again, I do not know, but you will see your children again. I want them alone to see my mother and tell her that her son remains on the throne of his father."

He bowed and left me alone once more. I thought about my own words for a moment. How far I had come in my life and how much I had lost and gained over time that passed so quickly for elves yet for other creatures, many generations, since I came to the throne, had passed, and all that I known to be true was legend to them. To me, it had started to become something of a myth. My life was the only relic that was left as evidence of the truth.

When dusk had begun to fall, I stood with the court and the Princes of the Woodland Realm to see Êlenuil on his way. At my side stood his children with the rest of our family. As he rode westward, the violet hues of the coming night began to uncover the stars above. Though the Misty Mountains obscured much of the sky, the unmistakable evening star in the west shone brightly as another was rising in the East with the moon.

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