Chapter XI: The Alliance of Men, Elves, and Dwarves

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We spent most of the day on maneuvers and by the fall of night, as we rested from the day, a familiar call came to us.

"It is time," Eldôr said quietly. "Your presence is required at the meeting of the Alliance."

Nimlos and Elranduil eagerly made their way out of our tent with Fínduin not far behind. I rose slowly and made my way into the darkness with Melros, Fëaluin, Amroth, and Elmîr. Eldôr followed in silence.

"It is such a beautiful night for such a solemn occasion," Fëaluin remarked looking upon the men, elves, and dwarves in their camps.

That night I noticed it was unusually dark for that time of year. The stars above seemed far brighter as to be watching what had grown to be thousands more warriors—dwarves and men had joined what once was a field full of elves. We said nothing as we continued toward the tent of the Gil-galad.

Upon our approach to the tent of Gil-galad, we stopped as an elf stood before us with a man. The elf was tall with long light golden hair and what appeared to be the grey eyes of the Sindar beneath the lantern light. The man had long hair as well, yet it was a deep earthen color. His green eyes seemed to reflect a commanding, yet kind presence. Eldôr came forward and stood before us.

"Im Elenorn o Falas," the elf said. "You must be Eldôr. This is Adanor, from Arnor."

"Is everyone in attendance," Eldôr asked. "Now that we have arrived?"

"Yes," Adanor answered. "And I fear it will be a long evening."

They turned as the guards pulled back the flaps of the brightly lit tent. It was quite large—it had to be for many had filled it. At a long table sat Gil-galad, Elrond, Círdan, Elendil, my father, Amdir, and Durin.

"Mae govannen," Elrond said. "Allow me to introduce King Elendil and his son, Isildur. Elendil, have you met Thranduil, son of Oropher and Elranduil, son of Eldôr."

"It is a pleasure," Elendil said rising with his son standing not too far from where we had entered. "This is Isildur.

I noticed that of the two men the younger one, Isildur, seemed uncomfortable. His brown hair was disheveled around the nape of his neck and he said nothing as he looked around the room with an air of arrogance.

"The pleasure is ours, Your Majesty," I said bowing. He had a gentle face with soft blue eyes and aging brown hair. He motioned to the other man.

"Yes, you Highness," Isildur said. "This is a pleasure."

I noticed my father's expression change drastically. I could see what issue he seemed to have with Isildur. He would keep these things to himself, for now was a time of alliance and there was no room for divisions—no matter our differences.

"Where is Brendîr and Arísil," Amdir asked.

As we found a place to settle, two elves and the man I saw earlier in the day entered and bowed.

"I am here, Your Majesty," Arísil said. "Many apologies for my lateness, for I just arrived from Lórien, and Galdor and Brendîr were kind enough to bring me to you."

Arísil had long golden brown hair and eyes the color of the sea. His beauty outshined his companions tenfold. Galdor had golden hair as the halo of the sun with grey eyes. They found their places and so it began—the meeting of the alliance.

"Now we can begin as all are here," Gil-galad said as he sat behind a great table and covered with maps and scrolls. All the rulers sat around him and their council behind. As for the rest of us, we gathered and stood around the thick fabric walls of the tent.

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