Chapter XVII: A Time Before Darkness

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Time passes far quicker through joy than pain for all creatures. As Eryn Galen continued to grow in the years after the War of the Last Alliance, my world fell into a calm I had not felt since I was a child. I found joy in watching my family feel whole once more.

I rose to the sound of my new son crying. Êlúriel quickly got out of bed, covered herself went to his crib, and picked him up. I watched her cradle Legolas and begin to feed him. There is an ethereal beauty watching a mother with her child. Though he was still a baby, I knew it would not be long before he would be walking.

"Come," I said. She smiled and returned to bed. I was mesmerized by my wife and son. They were my whole world. Êlúriel leaned over and kissed me.

"Your son has quite the appetite," she said. "Just like his father."

"I beg your pardon," I said. I was curious. "What are you saying?"

"Your mother," she began. "She told me. You were always hungry, it would seem. Never seemed to get your fill."

"Queen Nimeithel tends to exaggerate, my love," I said.

"I do not think so, Thranduil," she said laughing. "I am with you every night." 

She returned Legolas to his crib. As she was playing with him, our doors flew open and Nimeithel entered with Fëaluin and Tarthôn close behind.

"Thranduil," she said sternly. "I must have a word with you. Out of bed with you, now." Behind her, I could see Fëaluin looking apologetic.

"Yes, Mother," I said. "But I would like a moment to get dressed as I am not."

"I gave birth to you, Thranduil. I have seen all of you. I take my leave. Fëaluin, come. We will be in the throne room."

Tarthôn ran to Êlúriel to see Legolas. As swiftly as she arrived she left, the guards closing the doors behind her. I must have turned the color of the red meril because Êlúriel had looked away from me. Something was bothering my mother and I had to attend to it.

"I know what it is she wants, Thranduil," Êlúriel said sadly. She looked at me, her eyes filling with tears. "I will not leave you. Death could not keep me from you. Come, Tarthôn."

I was perplexed. I got out of bed and almost immediately, the doors opened again and several elves entered and dressed me.

"I need a moment with my wife." They bowed and left. I went to her and she stood before me and embraced me. "Stay with Legolas and Tarthôn. I will return as soon as I can."

I kissed her and looked into my son's crib. He was moving around as if he were trying to get out. I leaned over and kissed his forehead. I walked to the doors and they were opened.

I walked into the hall. Just outside the doors, the elves continued to dress me. Upon my arrival, there was a group of elves looking weary. Among them were my mother, Valdúril, Eldôr, and Nendúril.

"They would like an audience with His Majesty," Fëaluin said.

"What is this about, Mother," I asked.

"I am going to Aman. With Valdúril, Eldôr and Nendúril."

"I want my daughter to go with me," Nendúril said quietly. "Your Majesty."

"No, I will not go," Êlúriel said from the hall. Everyone turned to see her with Tarthôn. "I belong at the side of my husband. I will face all evil with him, Father. I will not leave."

Nearby, Elranduil stood with his wife Ardúin and Ardôr and Orísil. They seemed as confounded as me. Tarthôn ran to me and took my hand.

"Êlúriel," I said.

Book II: The Saga of ThranduilHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin