Chapter 13

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Alyssa practically kicked me out of her apartment.

I am now standing outside clueless of what to do.

What the fuck was that?

There are so many tiny pieces of Alyssa Davis that don't add up in my mind.

Why do I even care?

Why was my heart pounding as she looked as if she was in a trance? Why when she looked up at my face and started- just for a second- my heart broke a little? How does that make any sense? 

"Aiden?" A voice coming up the long row of stairs asks, "what are you doing here?"

Tess walks towards the door of which I'm blocking with my body. "Studying." I say, "were studying." I correct.

"Ah," she says her brows furrowed, "and she kicked you out?"

"Something like that." I reply.

"And studying isn't some euphemism for something, is it?" She says with a sly grin working its way up her face.

My eyes widen, "ew. No. Of course not Tess."

She punches the muscle of my left arm, "jeez. You squirm too easily Aiden."

I mumble something under my breath, then: "I need to ask you something,"

"Anything!" She replies in her usual cheery voice full of a bundle of joy. Tess almost reminds me of the sunshine, she has the ability to wake up an entire room with her presence.

"It's about Alyssa-" I start.

She groans, "what did she do this time? I actually came home early to-" she stops. "Nothing- you continue,"

I ignore the sudden abrupt of thought she has- "Is she okay?" A broad question but apparently all the information necessary for Tess to comprehend something- that something I don't know.

"Yeah- yeah. Why- why what's wrong?" Tess stumbles on her words repeating them slowly compared to her usual fast, chatty self.

I point towards the room explaining the events that occurred, Tess stills as I tell her about the length of time she was staring at her phone for.

"Why- what's wrong?" I ask her as I finish.

She waves me off, "oh it's nothing." These two girls really need to work of their lying skills.

"I don't think-"

"You should leave." She says urgently and abruptly.

"What- why?" I ask as she ushers me down the row of stairs since the elevator is covered with bright yellow caution tape. "Hey," I grip onto her wrist, stopping us in the middle of the swirling steps, "tell me what's wrong." I say, "please." I add.

"Ugh, Aiden." She sighs, instantly reminding me of something Alyssa would say. "It's nothing just Alyssa being Alyssa- dramatic and shit." Never have I known Alyssa to be dramatic and I think Tess knows I caught her in a lie. "Don't get your panties in a twist dude." She flings her hair back around leading me down the stairway.

I almost argue again- complain that I know she's lying but that won't do me any use. She's not going to tell me what the fuck happened back there- not that Tess was there but she defiantly knows what's up.

She spins my body around to face her as we reach the winter breeze, "why do you even care?" she asks.

"Huh?" My stupid mouth immediately asks without comprehending what she said.

She shrugs matter-of-factly, "why do you care?"

I feel like every reasonable explanation or excuse has flooded out of my miniscule brain and I'm left with nothing. "I-I-"

She raises her eyebrows.

"I don't." I say. A painstakingly bad lie.

"Sure thing bud," Tess pats my arm, a slight sense of humor in her voice

"I don't." I insist as she's halfway out of my eyesight walking back up the long set of stairs.

"Tell yourself that!" She calls out with her footsteps wavering away.


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