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Age 7:

The kids around me ran around with glee as they hit the opposing teams with dodgeballs. I saw snotty nose Jeffery pinning a ball at me as I caught it with both hands.

"Your out Jeffery!" Mrs. Richards called while blowing on a whistle.

The kids on our side of the football field clapped my hands, only three people left until we won.

"Ouch." I said as a ball hit me on the head, I turned around to see Aiden Peters grinning behind me. 

"What the heck Aiden! We're on the same team!" I said to him annoyed but he continued grinning and glaring at me.

"Your out." He shrugged.

"But then we aren't gonna win, we are literally on the same team!" I threw my hands to my side.

"Rules are rules Al."

"Stop calling me Al! Only my friends get to call me that!" I stomped my foot on the ground.

"Bye, bye Al." He waved his hand at me.

"You are the worst." I stuck my tongue out to him and angrily walked to the back of the line.

All because of him we didn't win, the other class got the free time on the playground. 

I hate Aiden Peters.

I hate him!


Age 11:

It was the first day of middle school and I walked over to my first class, English my favorite! We had to read a book in the holidays called 'The Giver' It was pretty good, the ending was a little weird though.

The classroom was mostly filled when I walked in, I found an empty desk with two seats free and sat down there. Our teacher walked in as the bell played from the loud speaker and she started to call out attendance.


"Here Miss!" I put my hand up.

"Aiden?" Her voice called.

"Sorry Miss, I'm here." A boy said as he walked through the classroom doors.

Aiden Peters.

Of course he was in this class.

I looked around frantically to see if there were any free seats apart from the one right next to me. None.

"That's okay Aiden, just take a seat next to Alyssa." Out teacher said.

He sat his books on MY side of the table with a knowing smirk, I made an aggravated sound.

"Looks like we are going to be stuck together for a while Al." He whispered to me.

"No we're not, I'm switching spots next lesson."

He shrugged, "Sure thing."

As the lesson continued I grabbed out my reading book and started annotating pages as the Miss Anderson analyzed the text. An annoying clicking sound rang in my ear, I turned to see Aiden playing with his retractable pen, "Can you stop doing that?" I said quietly, "I can't concentrate." His smile just grew and he clicked it even faster.

"Good work today everyone!" Ms. Anderson said at the end of our lesson. "I'll see you all tomorrow for our next class, remember the seats you are in now are your seating plans for the rest of the year." My jaw dropped and my eyes widened.

No, no, no, no, no, no, no.

I sunk into my chair, "We are going to have a lot of fun together this year Al." Aiden said.

I groaned.

This was going to be one hell of a year.


Thank you so much for reading! I hope you liked the tiny glimpse of them as children and continue to read their story!

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