Chapter 11

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She's a fucking distraction.

A beautiful distraction.

She said I was good at hockey the other day and I felt elated. People say I'm good at hockey every day- amazing in fact, but the way Alyssa said it made it feel like a load of euphoria flowing through my body.

How am I going to compete today with her in the stands?

She doesn't talk much apart from when she is reciting instructions from coach, other than that she keeps to herself unless someone on the team starts talking to her. Except for one person: Matthew. She talks to Matthew a lot.

It's 5pm on a Saturday, I have parked in the carpark and am now walking towards the stadium. Matthew, Tess and Alyssa are huddled in a small group chatting with each other- fucking hell.

"Hey man," Matthew hangs his arm around my neck.

Tess waves in my direction, "Goodluck today Aiden, though I don't think your going to need it." She points her head towards Alyssa who is tucked inside her phone. "This one tells me your quite a professional."

"She does?" I ask surprised.

"She does." She smiles parroting my words. 

Alyssa tucks her phone in her pockets as well as her hands, "Good luck you guys." She says, "I have to go find coach and y'know- assist." She reaches one of her hands to Tess's, "Your coming with me, let's go." Tess gives us on last good luck and a quick wave as she runs off with Alyssa.

"Hm," says Matthew.


"Nothing." He smiles, "just thinking."

I narrow my eyes, "about what?" 

He points to the small figures of the two girls holding hands in the distance, "I like them." He says clearly avoiding the question.

"Good to know, I like them too." My voice is frustrated.

"Oh I know. It's pretty fucking obvious that you like them." He grins and I hate it because I just know what he's fucking thinking. "Alyssa in particular."

"Shut up."


The crowd cheers as I block a puck away from our net. Mateo skates over to me patting my on the back in small celebration but the game is anything but over. I see coach in the stands writing something on a clipboard with Tess and Alyssa beside him, Tess spots my eye and gives me a wave. When I catch Alyssa's she gives me a quick thumbs up- I smile- it's not much but it's defiantly something.

A bell declaring the first period rings in my ear, I skate off the ice with my team to huddle around coach and discuss game plan. He's drawn the rink out on a piece of paper and is pointing at the small red dots- the opposite team.

"At the pace we're going it's headed for a win, keep it up boys." A rare smile spreads across his face.

The third period is closing to an end and we're winning by a landslide: 4 to 1. It's defiantly going to clime us up the ranks and I'm thrilled. I thought Alyssa being in the stands would catch me off guard- her glaring eyes staring down into me but it's almost like the exact opposite. Every time I peek through the glass I expect her to be scrolling though her phone or chatting with Tess but no. Instead I see her watching the team closely and clapping for me whenever I hit the other teams puck away.

The bell rings and all the guys whoop and cheer jumping on top of each other as we reach solid ground.

"That is so gay." I hear Tess's voice say from behind us. The team immediately compose themselves and make there way off each other.

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