Chapter 7

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The drive to the party was long and tedious, mostly because Matthew was lecturing me on how badly I fucked up like I don't already know that.

The party is at someone from the basketballs teams house, probably Brandon's and his never end up going well.

"Two drinks max, okay?" I tell him, "We got practice early tomorrow and coach will fucking kill you if you show up with a hangover."

He rolls his eyes, "Yes sir."

I thought we came early but apparently not, there are at least 50 cars along the street- the neighbors are going to be pissed.

We walk over to the drinks and pop open two cans of beer before Matthew walks away to find the other guys on the team, I don't feel like talking to them.

I go into the pantry and try to find some food- I'm hungry and haven't ate since the morning.

"I don't think your supposed to be in there." A voice says from behind me, it's Tess. She points to a wet piece of paper sticky tapped on a cabinet, the words a barely visible someone must of spilt their drink over it.

"That could say anything." I reply with a shrug, "Your boyfriend here?" I remember the date Alyssa told me about last week when we bumped into each other at the bookshop.

She stares at my blankly for a second, "Boyfriend?" a small smile creeps up her face, "You mean girlfriend?"

I widen my eyes at my mistake, "Oh fuck sorry- I just thought when Alyssa said you went on a date she meant-"

Tess laughs, "Don't look so flustered Aiden."

"I'm not-"

"Really?" She points to my face, "You're practically red." 

I cover my face with my hands, "I don't think so." I say with a small laugh.

"So- is your girlfriend here then?"

"You don't really care about that, do you?" She asks still smiling, "You just want to know if Al is here."

"No- " I chuckle, "no." I shake my head. "She probably wouldn't want to talk to me anyway."

"Does she ever?" Tess challenged while taking a sip of her drink. "Don't take it personally."

"Well she really seems to hate me- so that's kind of hard." I shrug pretending like I don't care- though I do- of course I do.

"That's true." She says matter-of-factly. I scrunch my brows together, this is supposed to be helpful?  "She is here." She calls out while walking away, "But you don't care- obviously." She emphasizes.

We've been here for about an hour and I'm honestly really sick of it, I see Matthew in the hallway talking to a pretty girl with long blonde hair and wearing a small pink dress. I hate to interrupt them but I'm going to wake up with a raging head ache tomorrow if I don't leave soon and it won't be because I drank five beers.

I stare at them from down the hallway- I probably look like a crazy stalker. They look happy together I'd hate to ruin that for Matthew I'd also hate another reason for someone to call me an arrogant dick again. I go outside to get some air- it's not too dark and I have a flashlight on my phone maybe I could just walk.

I lean against the brick wall on the outside of the house and scroll on my phone for ten minutes until I see smoke in the corner of my eye. It's a girl wearing a mini black dress with a leather jacket and she-

She is Alyssa.

Of course she is.

Why does this keep happening?

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