Chapter 5

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The right winger skates towards me and slams a puck in my direction missing the net, coach claps his hands together and we skate back off the ice.

"Decent job today boys." He bellows through the stadium even though we are all crowded around him. He tells us to leave and relax for the rest of the day since we have our first game tomorrow. I hear him muttering to himself about hiring an assistant, he's been complaining about it for a month now yet still hasn't done anything about it. My body aches, coach fucking killed us during training at least I wasn't Mateo though he had to stay behind because he was slacking off.

It's chilly outside and I decide to go to the library to get some studying in. It's been seven weeks since class begun and that on top of hockey almost gives me zero personal time.

The library seems to be pretty busy this morning and trying to find a seat is harder than I thought. I head to the back of the library to search for an empty spot, I have to do three laps around until I finally find one.

There is a guy sitting on his phone scrolling aimlessly on one of the seats, a girl loudly talking to someone on the phone while flicking pieces of paper across the table. The other seats have two girls talking together in hushed voices- one of the girls have they're hair tied up in a tight bun and is wearing what looks like a ballet uniform. If that's what you call it. The other girl is intently listening- her eyes wide and it's-


It's Alyssa.

Her cheeks are a rosy pink shade and she looks cold wrapping her hands around her stomach. Her blonde hair droops past her shoulders and she is wearing a light blue top that matches her eye color- I could spot her from a mile away and she'd still stand out. She'd still look as beautiful as she does now.

I know she'll be pissed when I sit down with them but there are literally no other fucking seats in the library for me to sit on. Unless she wants me to sit on the floor- actually she'd probably love that because for whatever reason she fucking hates me. I can imagine her literally killing me if she found out who I really am- her childhood nemesis. 

I sigh and walk over to the empty seat that just so happen to be right beside her. 

I see her smile visibly drop as she notices me "You've got to be fucking me." She says under her breath as she faces her now smiling friend.

"There are literally no other fucking seats in this library Alyssa."

"How lucky for me." She says sarcastically.

"Your so dramatic." I say pulling up a chair, her friend giggles behind her hand.

She holds out her hand for me to shake. "Lovely to meet you, I'm Tess." She has a large grin spread across her face.

Tessa. I remember her, Alyssa's best friend- they used to be practically inseparable, she has dyed her hair from her natural brown to an auburn shade.

"Nice to meet you I'm-"

"Oh I know who you are" She says looking pointily at Alyssa, "Mr aiden peters, isn't that right Al?"

Alyssa slaps her arm and widens her eyes. Her face is now fully pink- maybe red and I can't tell if it's from embarrassment or anger. Maybe both.

I can't help but smirk, "So you've talked about me?"

"Oh constantly, Al loves to talk about your dreamy eyes and your perfect-" Alyssa smacks her hand over Tess's squirming mouth.

"I think Tessa has had enough talking for now." She grinds between her teeth, "she is also talking a load of bull."

I don't even realize I have been smiling this entire time- a wide, toothy grin spread across my face. "Wipe that fucking smirk off your face peters." She snaps.

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