"You won't say anything to that idiot," the tall blond retorted firmly, coming to a sudden stop.

"And why not?"

Pansy took great care to examine her forest-green nail polish. Draco knew exactly what she was trying to do. Blackmail didn't work with him. Taking a deep breath to remain impassive, he blurted out in one breath, in a monotone voice:

"Because Zabini is in no position to give me advice about girls. The proof is right in front of my eyes."

Nott covered his face to ineptly stifle his laughter. Pansy, stupefied, couldn't utter a sound. Then, finally realizing his words, she turned crimson.

"What does that mean, for heaven's sake?"

"It means if you want to know more about my situation, you have to keep it to yourself. I don't want Blaise to make a mountain out of it and blab it to anyone."

"Is it that big of a secret? I don't understand..." Pansy sighed suddenly weary. "It's almost like you're ashamed to be seen with Granger."

Malfoy turned angrily to face her, fists clenched. Theodore cut him off before his future angry tirade by placing his large palm on his shoulder.

"Draco is entitled to his privacy. And besides, he's not ashamed, otherwise he wouldn't bother seeing her. He just takes care of those he loves."

The Slytherin remained silent, suddenly tense. He wasn't in love, for heaven's sake! He just had an obsession with the Gryffindor. She was pretty, intelligent, and annoying with her silence and legendary determination. Nothing more.

Avoiding Pansy's gaze, who was now studying him with gentleness, he thought. It was true that he had been gentle with her. Tender even. His dreams kept him awake, and there was only Hermione's presence, no one else. Maybe he was beginning to be infatuated with her? He couldn't say. They were just superficial feelings; there were greater agitation and problems than the frantic beating of his heart when he thought of her. And he had worse than his insatiable desire to bed her and take care of her. The threat of a murderer lurked on the horizon, and the danger facing his friends and family took precedence over everything else around him. He needed to stay grounded in reality. Even if Hermione was now immersed in it.

"Draco," Pansy began.

"Pans, drop it."

"If you don't open up to anyone, how are you going to rid yourself of your worries?"

Alone, he thought bitterly.

Nott resumed his path towards the Divination class, silent.

"Does she make you happy at least?"

More than I've ever been, Malfoy wanted to reply, but he didn't have the strength, because admitting it to himself would concretize what was happening within him. And reigniting the flame of his obsession for Granger put him in a bind and plunged him into his fears. He had the ability to destroy everything, and Hermione was his downfall. Because instead of behaving like the monster role he had been relegated to, he was blossoming like a flower nourished by the sun. And his sun was Hermione Granger. And he wasn't ready to cast a shadow over her presence. Not yet.

Under his silence, Pansy rolled her eyes. Catching Theo's gaze, Draco attempted to convey his thoughts. His friend nodded, his body tense, and in less than an instant, they entered the lair of the most atrociously boring class in the universe. Malfoy would open up tonight. To Nott and no one else. His friend had understood, and with a tight stomach, he walked down the rows to settle at a desk, his brain in turmoil. He was still thinking about her. She didn't leave his mind. And the more time passed, the more he realized she wasn't the poison, but perhaps the solution. The key to unlock his heart, long closed and double-locked. But did he even have the strength to give her such power? To be stripped of all defenses?

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