Chapter 2

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'Numbing the pain for a while will make it worse when you finally feel it.'

The Sorting Hat ceremony proceeded without a fuss. First-year students sat at the end of each house table, exchanging excited glances, while others, more apprehensive, nervously bit their nails, straining to hear the surrounding conversations. Hermione smiled at this observation. She saw herself in them: a new stage and a fresh cycle unfolding in their lives, poised to slip through their fingers. Terrifying and exhilarating all at once. Seated at the long Gryffindor table, she absentmindedly observed her fellow students. Neville Longbottom bustled beside her, regaling everyone with anecdotes about the Great War. Ginny, across from him, listened with eyes sparkling in curiosity, and Harry, settled at her side, smiled amid the atmosphere. Exchanging a glance with her best friend, winking playfully, the Gryffindor refocused his attention on Ginny, eyebrows raised, attentive to her.

McGonagall's commanding voice cut through the chatter in the Great Hall. Her wand raised to her throat, amplifying her voice, eyes fixed on the throngs of seated students, she imposed silence. Another exchanged smile passed between Hermione and Harry, under Ginny's scrutinizing gaze. Since the war, the two best friends had grown even closer, and the Golden Girl couldn't help but wonder if Ginny Weasley was annoyed by their proximity. Harry grasped Ginny's shoulders, pulling her close, and gently kissed her red hair. In return, Hermione blew a kiss back to them, and the young girl seemed to relax under the gesture.

"Welcome, welcome, everyone, to this new year at Hogwarts," Minerva McGonagall's resonant voice sang out. "Before the feast begins, I wanted to share a few words. We gather here today, having weathered the storm of war. With the numerous losses," Minerva paused, swallowing. "It is my duty to grant you security and inner peace after these troubled moments of pain. Know that Hogwarts will always be open for those who need it."

The headmistress observed each student in the assembly, her eyes shining with emotion.

"These past years have not spared us, and I am immensely grateful for all your efforts to maintain this stronghold, despite the disasters that have occurred within its walls. We would not have the opportunity to gather here together without each and every one of you."

Minerva raised her glass in the air, studying each professor at her side, who had straightened up under her words.

"I would like to propose a toast in your honor and bravery for taking up arms during such difficult times. Hogwarts is not just a school for wizards; it is also a refuge, a home, and a family. And today, we are fortunate to be gathered here thanks to all of you!"

Applause echoed through the Great Hall in response to her tribute, leaving only the clinking of glasses and excited cries within its walls. Some shared tears of joy, while others wept at the reminder of what they had lost.

Ginny raised her cup, her throat tight, and said, "To Fred."

Harry smiled gently at her and continued in a subdued voice, "To Remus and Tonks."

"Mad-Eye Moody," Dean Thomas interjected, gulping down his pumpkin juice.

Harry met the gaze of his best friend, who clenched her teeth with emotion. In unison, Hermione whispered with her friend, "To Dumbledore, Sirius, and Severus Snape."

There was a silence, and then the feast appeared. The previously empty dishes filled with all sorts of delicious-looking food. The scents overwhelmed the nostrils, and under the voracious appetite of emotions, the students satisfied their hunger. Amidst the cacophony, Hermione hesitated to touch her meal. Her emotions and the knot in her stomach held her back. The indescribable hubbub in the Great Hall seemed to mask Hermione's lack of enthusiasm. With her head buried in her vanilla pudding, she grimaced. Why did everything seem so bland?

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