Chapter 18

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"An ocean never stays calm for long."

"Good lord, Draco, finally you're here. It's as if you disappeared from the face of the earth this past week!" exclaimed Pansy upon catching sight of Malfoy's sleek, muscular figure in the corridors of Hogwarts.

"I don't need you following me around like a lapdog," he snapped back through gritted teeth.

"Whoa, easy there, mate."

Theodore had just appeared, covering the distance between them in long strides. His eyebrow was raised, a sarcastic air contorting his features. Draco hadn't had the pleasure of enjoying his friends' company lately; he had been preoccupied. With Granger. He had followed their advice and his stupid friends were back at it, wearing silly smiles on their faces. He wasn't fooled. They wanted answers. And as strange as it was, Malfoy, for once, needed to stop and confess his doubts. There were myriad things gnawing at his mind, but showing vulnerability had never been part of his daily routine. And he couldn't see how to defuse the bomb raging in his head. With his muscles tensed under the weight of emotions, he continued on his path, his limbs stiff.

Nott, discreetly observing him, lowered his gaze to the ground, seeming to understand the situation. Pansy, oblivious, continued fervently exclaiming complaints about his lack of empathy towards their group of friends.

"You should've given us updates, for heaven's sake! I thought you'd been kidnapped. Blaise thought you'd tied Hermione to the bed to ravish her all day long, while Theo... Theo thought you were keeping a low profile, as if you were on fire."

Malfoy forced himself to remain silent, though the twitch against his cheek betrayed his amusement. Blaise was absurd, and Pansy was always anxious. He didn't blame them. Last year, Hogwarts had brought Draco its fair share of boredom and pain, and his friends didn't want to leave him alone with such a heavy burden on his shoulders. Times had changed, but Malfoy's ways persisted. He faced his difficulties alone, without anyone's support. Solitude accompanied each of his steps. Only his mother had managed to draw out some vulnerability from the Slytherin. But just barely.

He muttered under his breath and continued his advance. Today, the trio had class with Sybill Trelawney. He hated the subject of Divination. Crystal balls and fortune-telling were just a bunch of nonsense to Malfoy. Their group had simply refused to attend fifth-year classes, which had led to them needing to catch up. As if interpreting tea leaves and palm lines could change his life!

Draco only realized with a certain delay that Parkinson was still gesticulating with enthusiasm.

"You have to tell me all the details. Luna said she couldn't get a word out of Granger, so I want answers!"

"You're talking to Lovegood?" Theo choked on his words.

Draco followed his friend's hilarity, a mocking smile playing on his lips.

"So what? Do I need permission from both of your esteemed heads to talk to other students?"

Malfoy burst out laughing at the situation, while Nott sulked in his corner, suddenly silent.

"As I was saying," Pansy resumed in a sugary voice. "I need details. Maybe Granger is good at keeping her mouth shut, but I fully intend to squeeze every last bit of information out of you, Draco!"

"And why would I tell you what's going on between Hermione and me?" he grumbled annoyed.

"You're in trouble," Nott muttered after his words.

Pansy's eyes widened and sparkled. Malfoy cursed under his breath as he watched her.

"I knew you were spending all your time with her. Wait until I tell Blaise, he'll laugh so much!"

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