Chapter 12

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"My nature compels me to seek and love well-ordered things, fleeing the confusion that is contrary and hostile to me, just as light is to dark shadows." Nicolas Poussin

"Do you really think it's a good idea?" Harry questioned as Hermione observed herself in the mirror, her shoulders tense.

They were in the Gryffindor dormitory, and immersed within the four walls of the bathroom, the young woman wondered if indeed what she was planning was such a brilliant idea. Blast it! Pansy had invited her to that damned Slytherin party, but she hadn't specified that she could bring friends along, right? Should she defy her words when they had only just begun to have a semblance of peace between them? The truce seemed to hang by a thread so thin it could snap at any moment. Inviting Seamus and Thomas might not be the best option after all.

But darn it, Hermione couldn't see herself joining them all alone. Harry couldn't accompany her, especially after what had happened earlier in the day with Ginny. He didn't want to add fuel to the fire, and she completely understood the situation he was going through. It was on the verge of exploding, and even though the youngest Weasley didn't always behave kindly, it didn't mean that their relationship had to suffer for it.

Shaking her head, Hermione made her decision. She would go alone. She would spend an evening with her Gryffindor mates another time. This was her ordeal, and she had to go through it alone. How could she appear confident and brave if she couldn't show up solo to a party that would likely be irritating?

Biting her lower lip, she watched Luna casting spells to soften her hair. Her original tufty curls interwoven with untamed frizzes now cascaded over her shoulders with a grace that warmed her cheeks. Now tamed, her mane of chocolate and caramel hues framed her face, highlighting the freckles that dotted her nose. Before, she hated the little spots that formed red spots when she wrinkled her nose with emotion. Parting her lips in a pensive air, Hermione found herself surprisingly pretty. Perhaps she didn't have the incandescent beauty of Slytherin's Daphne with her long straight hair and Bambi-like eyes, but she had that cheerful and almost mischievous sparkle shining deep in her eyes. And that was all that mattered.

Her long lashes, enhanced by several coats of mascara, made the darkness of her eyes stand out. Under the sun, her brown eyes transformed into sparks of golden grains. Harry had told her that her irises had this ability to reveal her soul as if by magic, and sometimes Hermione regretted it. How could she keep her deepest sins nestled in her mind if they were reflected through the glow of her dilated pupils?

She had to let go of appearances and her fear of appearing darker than she wanted to be. The war had changed her, and it was time for her to show herself in her new light. Her semi-tanned skin, gleaming under the reflections of the light beams, Hermione placed her long black manicured nails on her forearm. It was hidden under her long sleeves. And she was grateful for the outfit Luna had lent her. Her red top gripped her chest like a second skin, accentuating her curves.

Massaging her neck, suddenly embarrassed, her brain kicked back into gear, questioning all the decisions she was about to make. Hermione wanted her revenge, so with her wand tucked into the back pocket of her black trousers, she swallowed. Malfoy certainly didn't expect her arrival, and she intended to be as childish as he was. If he wanted to play cat and mouse, let the game begin.

"He won't be able to resist you," chuckled her friend with the long golden hair.

Hermione coughed to hide her embarrassment. That was not her intention. Not tonight at least. She wanted to lead him to the torture of desire, without being able to achieve his inner expectations. Like he did with her. It was just postponed. A game, nothing more.

Running a hand through her hair, shifting her soft curls behind her ear, the young Gryffindor contemplated Luna, who still wore that amused and thoughtful smile on her pink lips.

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