Chapter 14

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Hello everyone! 😊✨

I wanted to specify some important Tags in relation to this chapter. Having no more space, I find it important that I mention some of the possibilities of Trigger. This chapter is different from the others. It took me longer to write, because it draws a lot of emotions from me and personal experiences I have had. In the following passages, there is reference to non-consensual elements, intimidation and sexual touching. It's not about elements between the main characters. On the contrary! But I still wanted to specify it. There is also presence of violence in this chapter.

However, there will be a very sweet passage between Draco and Hermione. I hope that if this chapter makes you vibrate with emotion, as it did with me, you will still be able to appreciate it✨


Hermione observed the comings and goings of the students in the Slytherin common room with a detached eye. She didn't know why she was still within these four walls, sipping a drink, her mind elsewhere. She could go back to her dorm and snuggle up under her covers, a good book in her hands. But no. She didn't dare admit it to herself, but she had missed this joy of living. Pansy, although she was terribly petty, warmed her heart with her incessant verbal jousting. Theo was charming with his crooked, flirtatious smile and Blaise, although unbearable, had a sense of humor that cut with a knife. He had this way of playing eyebrows and Hermione couldn't help but giggle at his prowess. He was a professional at giving explanations that meant nothing. Damn it. How strange to be here and enjoying it so much, she thought.

The young Gryffindor had isolated herself for a brief moment. She had this need to regain her composure. Her mind kept wandering to Malfoy's ashen eyes. It embalmed her mind, giving her no respite. Posted one floor higher, Hermione could observe the students below exchanging low masses. She saw mischievous smiles, furtive glances and elegant gestures. Some chatted easily, others danced to the rhythm of the music that filled the room. As she continued to silently observe the guests, Hermione made a move to take a sip of her drink.

"Well, it took a while for the Mudblood to finally be on her own. It seems like no one cares about your dirty blood anymore !" A voice spat.

Turning around, with pursed lips, the young woman met Marcus Flint's gaze. With black eyes and a turned-up nose, long and humped, he analyzed her with poorly contained anger. He approached her with a supple and proud gait, an almost ironic smile on the edge of his lips. He was not alone. On the contrary. Two of his sidekicks were flanking the Gryffindor now. Goyle and Crabbe.

"You shouldn't be here," Goyle whispered close to her ear.

She shivered in horror. Crabbe, further back, observed the scene with almost unhealthy amusement. It didn't take long for Hermione to realize that they were planning to get her in trouble, but she wouldn't let it happen. It wasn't in her nature. Marcus, with a snarling look on his face, grabbed her cup and smashed it on the ground, spilling its container in a tornado of broken glass. Hermione didn't need to turn around to know that the crowd was completely oblivious to what was happening above. The noise of the melody was too deafening for any struggle to be heard. And the Slytherins had chosen the perfect moment to attack the Gryffindor.

Hermione grimaced. She automatically felt the pocket of her black pants, trying to find her wand, her only barrier of protection. But she found no consolation in her gesture, because her weapon was not with her. Fucking Hell, she thought. What a mess she was in. She had no choice but to resort to the good old method. The fists. Her heart pounded against her temples, she feared the students' future words. They looked at her with barely disguised mockery. When Goyle grabbed her curls of hair, pressing himself against her hip as he sniffed her scent, Hermione felt like throwing up. She tried to free herself, her throat tight. He held her in place, laughing under his breath.

Prince of snakes | Dramioneजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें