Chapter 16

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Hermione knew she had to come up with a plan. It was now her duty to protect the other students. She had to be discreet. But where should she start? How will she get Malfoy to open up to her? And above all, how was she going to survive this ordeal when his intoxicating presence radiated a glimmer of life in her being, her heart? How could she silence this desire to know him better and act professionally? How can she deny the very obvious?

Biting her nails, the young Gryffindor did not immediately notice the Slytherin's presence at her side. A romantic book propped against her knees, ridiculous flannel pajamas against her skin, she looked anything but like a student planning to play spy. And yet it was the case. She gave a vague, sad smile and closed her eyes. And now? replied her conscience anxiously.

Now she waited. Perhaps she will be able to find a solution to this impasse in the coming days. Maybe she could even ask McGonagall to change her role in the story. But Hermione knew there was no other solution. Without her wanting it, she had just joined the Slytherin group. Some even seemed to like her. And that was what mattered for the mission. Isn't that right?

Merlin. She wanted to cry.

She didn't pay attention to the expressions on her face or the glint of despair that took shape on her features. She thought she was alone, protected. But she was wrong. With trembling lips, she fought against the torrent of emotions that was causing a storm within her. She could do it , she convinced herself for the hundredth time. She just had to leave her ethical and moral side aside. Nothing too difficult. Isn't it?

Damn it , she thought, exhausted.

"Tough day, Granger?"

She jumped so violently at Malfoy's intonation that she dropped her book. Before she could make the slightest gesture, the tall blond found himself at her feet, grabbing her novel, his eyes serious. He analyzed the cover page and an inquisitive smile drew on his lips.

"Not another word, Malfoy," she sighed, knowing he was going to make fun of her.

"Making faces by Amy Harmon, really?"

"This is an excellent book!"

"Yes, you seemed very lost between the pages, that's for sure."

She blushed with embarrassment under his mocking observation. It was true that she wasn't the most focused, but she had read this novel more than seven times. And there was no way she was going to tell him.

"Why do horrible things happen to good people?" Malfoy asked, his eyes elsewhere.

Hermione gasped. He had just cited the novel and her heart leapt. She knew the future words on the tip of her tongue and without even realizing it, she offered him the answer:

"Because terrible things happen to everyone. We're all just so caught up in our own crap that we don't see the shit everyone else is wading through"

He nodded at her reply. Imprisoned in another world, Draco seemed to float on an impossible horizon. Perhaps he was thinking about what they had just said. Maybe he was even questioning some of his past actions. She wasn't sure. Her only certainty was that her throat tight, her eyes shining with tears, Hermione understood that she continued to sink. To sink for the Prince of Snakes. And he hadn't done anything to make her break down like that. She was the only one at fault. He had to quote one of her favorite books to tear her heart away. He had to indulge in a certain vulnerability, even if distant, for Hermione's heart to start beating wildly. She was lost. Unquestionably. For him. And nothing and no one would be able to save her from this precipice.

She swallowed with difficulty. Meeting his steel gaze, she continued, her voice trembling:

"Maybe everyone represents a piece of the puzzle. We all fit together to create this experience we call life. None of us can see the part we play or the way it all turns out. Maybe the miracles that we see are just the tip of the iceberg."

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