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I understand why people are in so much shock to see Si and me together, but they could be more subtle about it. Even Sahil, who is usually so good at masking his emotions, couldn't hide his surprise. Everyone else's reactions make me nervous for Everett's. Neither has he arrived yet nor has he responded to my message. I realize there is nothing I can do about him still being in the dark and shake the thought out of my mind as I walk to the middle of the room. Once in front of the mic, I take a deep breath to begin but then pause, thinking about how the last few days have shifted so much for me. I make some mental changes to my speech before I start:

"Good evening. I assume most of you already know who I am, but for those of you who do not, my name is Ayush Khanna. I am overjoyed that all of you were able to make it and are here with me today. Before we begin, I would like to congratulate all of you. We made it."

As I pause, the room bursts into cheers and applause. I look around and smile at people that I haven't seen in years.

"I still remember the day that we all walked across the stage in the Cintas Center, the eyes of the world on us, wondering what we would accomplish next. And accomplish a lot we did. I want to start off with a few honorable mentions. First, Sahil, for becoming ranked the third-best heart surgeon in the country. Next, I want to congratulate Jackson Snider for becoming the head of the ethics department at Notre Dame."

I accolade a few more people but decided to end with one that wasn't originally on the list.

"Lastly, I would like to congratulate Silas Wright for starting his environmental consulting firm, Eco Wright Industries, and for the amazing work that he is doing empowering young people in the field."

Si's face turns beat red and he gives a meek smile as everyone looks at him and claps.

"Moving on, I'd like to talk a little more about our collective journey. We all came into this place, this sanctuary of knowledge, and walked out sanctuaries ourselves. There were times that we didn't know what we were doing and times that we were lost but we could always trust something we had learned at St. Edmund's to guide the way. Whether that be taking Precalc BC with Blathers, APUSH with Johnson, or AP Physics with Paris, there is always an applicable lesson that we can go back to. Even though our journey together in body might have ended over a decade ago, our journey together in spirit and mind has just begun. We all stayed true to our mission to be men for and with others, and to be servant leaders wherever we go. We are all united in our never-ending march towards success, towards doing everything for Ad Majorem Dei Glorium, for the greater glory of god, and for the greater glory of each other. I am so thankful that all of you are here tonight and that we get to rejoin paths for a little bit. Thank you so much for the opportunity to speak to and for all of you. I will forever be grateful for the relationships I have with all of you and the way that you made the walls of this building feel like home all those years ago. Thank you and please enjoy the rest of the night."

As soon as I end, there is a roaring, standing ovation. I leave the mic stands to jovial claps on the back and long-lasting bear hugs. My mind immediately rushes towards Si, but he suddenly becomes the last thing I care about when I notice Everett a few feet in front of me wearing a suit with a striped purple and black tie.

"Hello?" I ask, grinning ear to ear as I reach in to hug him, "Where have you been?"

"Sorry," He hugs me back, "I had to meet with a student last minute. I figured you had practiced enough in front of me anyway."

"It's ok. I'm glad you made it," I smile.

From Everett's mirth, I can tell he didn't have time to check the news. I still have to tell him. We walk side by side through the crowd while I ask him how his meeting went, biding my time. He responds by praising the student he met with and asking me if I would meet with her.

"Of course," I respond, but I'm really only half paying attention because I see Si walking over.

"Her name is—"

"I have to tell you something. In private," I interrupt and pull Everett away from the bar out into the hallway while giving Si a look that says wait.

"What? Is everything ok?" He questions as I rush him through the throngs of people.

"Hold on," I don't tell him anything till we leave the room and are out of earshot of everyone in the hallway. It's better he hears it from me and has time to process it rather than just witnessing it without warning. We reach the entrance of the Byrning Gym, quite far from the reunion, before I finally stop. It is darker over here; the white marble floors give the area an ethereal look.

"What's going on?" Everett asks frustratedly, shaking my hand off his arm.

"I'm here with Si," I tell him.

"And I'm a famous movie star," He deadpans back.

"I swear on my Apple products," I defend desperately. He knows I'm telling the truth now. His green eyes almost pop out of his head.

"There is no way. He wasn't even in there. When did this happen?" Everett interrogates.

"In New York. I'm sorry for not telling you sooner. I thought about texting it, but I wanted to tell you when I was back home. I promise to tell you everything after the reunion," I apologize, not wanting him to get mad.

"Ok. You better tell me though," He forgives, understanding how absolutely insane this is. His face is radiating confusion and worry.

"I swear on my Apple products that as soon we leave, I will tell you everything. Let's go back to the party please," I beg as I start to walk back to the Reymond Room, hoping Everett will follow. He does and I feel a million times lighter. What anyone else thinks or says doesn't matter, except for him. Everett is one of the few people who has seen me at my lowest and still loved me enough to stay in my life. I thought I would never value the friendship I have with him as much as I valued the relationship I had had with Si. Now, I value it multiple times more.

Everett and I are welcomed back into the reunion by loud conversations and warm smiles from social circles that hated us twelve years ago. I think what people forget about high school is that all the cliques that people lived and died by don't matter the moment we enter the real world. There is something to be said for the intense gaiety and love at a St. Edmund's reunion, especially one full of people who take so much pride in their high school.

I look for Si and see him standing next to the fountain, one of the quieter areas of the reunion, chatting with our favorite English teacher, Mrs. Hadley, currently dressed in a black pencil skirt with a white turtleneck sweater.

I saw her last month to review final assignments for the writing center just before I left for New York. Seeing her and Si together reminds me of the conversation we had during my freshman year winter break. Mrs. Hadley had said she wanted to be in the book on one condition; I follow how she was in real life, unbiased. She never picked a side and kept in touch with both of us. It is satisfying to finally see Si reconnect with her in person after all these years.

It's amazing and brings me great joy to see him talk with everyone here like no time has passed. Maybe I haven't ruined everything for him like I thought I had. Maybe there's still hope. 

The Six Types of LoveTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang