Chapter - 8

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Jennie - I emerged from the boys' restroom after changing clothes, which is right next to the girls' restroom. I saw Kai coming out from the girls' restroom while smirking.

Kai is my cousin, and his dad wants to acquire our company. Despite that, I maintain a good relationship with Kai because I prefer to keep my enemies and friends close so that I stay informed.

I grew suspicious of Kai; something seemed off. I approached him, and he hadn't noticed me yet. I asked, "What were you doing in the girls' restroom, huh?"

I observed Kai's nervousness, confirming my suspicion that he's pretending to be my friend while doing something sinister behind my back, thinking I'm unaware.

Then it hit me – when Kai exited the restroom, he quickly put his phone in his pocket. This suggests he might have recorded something, but who or what?

Kai - I was incredibly nervous because Jennie always seems to be a hindrance in my plans. I couldn't figure out what to reply, then an idea struck me. So, I said, "Actually, the door to the boys' restroom was locked, so I went into the girls' restroom because I really needed to pee."

Jennie - I nodded, pretending to believe Kai's excuse, but inwardly, I smirked. I discreetly stole Kai's phone from his pocket, hoping he hadn't noticed. Then, I said, "Okay, bro, I'll go now." I took a couple of steps forward, paused, turned back, and added, "By the way, bro, the boys' restroom is unlocked now if you need to go."

Kai - "Yeah, but I've already peed. I'm heading home now," I replied.

"This idiot Jennie believed my excuse so quickly. Dad is right; Jennie is a loser just like her dad," I thought to myself.

Jennie - I gave a fake smile and said, "Okay, bro, bye."

I turned and walked to the parking lot, then got into my car and drove towards my home.

My grandpa married my grandma for her wealth, while Kai's grandma was his mistress. You could say she was his girlfriend before marriage and his mistress afterward.

Kai's dad is the illegitimate child of my grandpa, but even after my grandpa passed away, my dad still kept him around and treated him like a brother. Unfortunately, Kai's dad never reciprocated that brotherly sentiment towards my dad and now wants to acquire our company, which my dad painstakingly built.

As soon as I arrived home, I parked the car in the garage and went inside.

I entered my room, placed my bag on the table, then sat on the couch. I took out Kai's phone from my pocket and unlocked it. Yeah, I know Kai's password.

When I checked the phone's gallery, there were numerous videos of Kai having sex with different girls. I recently found a video recording and decided to play it.

As I watched the video, I clenched my fists in anger. I couldn't fathom what this idiot intended to do with this video. He had recorded a video of my Lili, but what he did was despicable.

I went to a porn website and uploaded all of Kai's sex videos there.

"Kai, you should never have recorded Lisa's video. You'll find out soon enough when you become a star on a porn website," I smirked as I sent the Lisa video to my phone and deleted it from Kai's.

I restored Kai's phone and then destroyed it.

I then watched the video that Kai had recorded of Lisa. Oh damn, she has the most perfect body and she's so hot.

Watching the video, I bit my lip because I was feeling very aroused right now.

I unbuttoned and unzipped my pants while watching the video, then took them off along with my boxers. My buddy was really hard just from watching her video.

I began stroking my buddy up and down just imagining Lisa stroking him.

"Ah, fuck," I moaned, closing my eyes and just imagining Lisa.

After some time, I came, and now I was sweating. I smiled, thinking, "Just imagining about Lisa makes me cum, so imagine if she were naked in front of me. I'm sure I wouldn't be able to control myself."

"We may be enemies, but nowhere does it say that we can't love each other," I said to myself.

"I can't give my Lili to anyone; she is only mine," I smirked.

"But I don't remember, but someone said she has allowed someone to court her. I need to find out who she has allowed," I thought.

I then took out my phone and called Jisoo Oppa. He picked up after a while.

Jisoo - "Hi, Jendeuk, why did you call? Is everything okay?"

Jennie - "Hi, Oppa, can you come to the JRK coffee shop early tomorrow morning?"

Jisoo - "Okay, I'll be there. But is everything alright?"

Jennie - "Oppa, I need to tell you something important, and bring Seul along, but Kai shouldn't find out about this."

Jisoo - "Okay, we'll come, but I'm heading to the mansion to see Grandma now. We'll talk later."

Jennie - "Okay, take care of Grandma and give my regards to her."

Jisoo - "Okay, bye, take care, Jendeuk."

Jennie - "You too, bye."

I ended the call. Jisoo Oppa isn't my real blood-related cousin; Grandma adopted him. But we see him as a real cousin, and we're also best friends.

Well, Grandma adopted Jisoo because Mom couldn't get pregnant at first, and the doctor called it a miracle when she finally did. When I came along, Mom and Dad loved Jisoo just like they would've loved their own child. But Grandma decided to keep him close, so Jisoo Oppa calls me cousin, not brother.

To be continue...

Sorry guys, I'm a bit busy these days, so I can't update right now. But I'll try to update soon, and I'll finish this story first before moving on to others one by one.

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