part 25

50 2 1

(Paul POV)

Later That Night

Paul tiptoed into the house, seeing all the lights off in the kitchen and living room. He had been stuck in meetings with the band trying to get out of the Kovention tour in Australia with you now dealing with the loss of your mother. It had been a three-to-one vote the band was going with or without Paul. The singer threw his keys in the bowl and walked up the stairs when he noticed the back door open, heading toward the studio.

"Y/N? You up stairs, babe?" Paul called up the stairs.

He waited for a couple of seconds before he heard music coming from the old pool house. The singer grabbed the house phone just in case and walked out the back door, following the music to your studio. Paul walked in to see Ameilya asleep in her playpen and then saw you in your darkroom. A smile graced his face. Seeing you back to work on your craft, he gently knocked on the door.

"Give me two minutes. im almost done," You called

"Okay baby. I'm going to check on the baby." Paul replied,

The singer walked over to the playpen and scooped up his little girl. Ameilya opened her eyes slowly and flashed a toothless grin at her father. Paul couldn't help but smile back at the little beauty in his arms as he rocked her back and forth. He was in such a trance that he hadn't noticed you in the room taking photos of the two. You laughed and sat down on your camera as Paul looked up at you, feeling his grin falling.

"Y/N, did you sleep any while I was gone?" Paul asked.

"Uh no, the phone's been ringing off the hook for you, and some family members that I had given our number to at the wedding. So I decided to come out here and develop all our wedding pictures. I got a couple of good ones with are Meyla with her grandma." You replied.

"Can I see them?" Paul asked

"Of course, but please tell me about your day. Did you get Gene to change his mind?" You asked as you looked up at him.

Paul kissed his daughter's forehead and then gently sat her back in the playpen before he turned to his wife. Your face fell as you looked back at your husband, seeing the serious look on the guitarist's face. He grabbed your hand and pulled you over to the couch in the small living room. The two of you sat quietly together for a few minutes while Paul searched in his heart and head for what to say to his new bride.

"Babe, when we got married, I promised you I would be here no matter what. Thick or thin and sickness and in health, but I have to do this tour. I have to make sure whatever time I have left in this band, the world remembers. It will give our children the lives I wanted when I was younger. I want us to live a comfortable life, but in order to do that, I have to work." Paul replied

"Let us come with you, then. I can handle the two weeks with you went to Australia, but let the two of us come on the road." You whispered the last part to him

"What about Evan? I can't have him not included because he has a different mom. I need my work separated from my home life." Paul replied, standing up from the couch.

He could feel himself growing angry by the second and it he wasn't sure what had come over him. You looked at him with tears in your eyes and whispered something under your breath, making the singer's eyes widen. You looked over at the baby and walked over to her, leaning down and kissing her head before walking out of the room, leaving Paul stunned. The singer picked up the baby and rushed out of the studio, following you across the yard back into the house.

"Y/N, you can't depend on me to be your happiness. I get that your mom just died, but you're a mother now yourself. Ameilya needs you, and I need to know that I can trust you to be an excellent mother while im away." Paul said.

"You don't have to worry about me and Ameilya. We are going to fly back home in a couple of days and you can arrange to see her before you leave. Gene got what he wanted." You yelled, as you pulled at the ring on your finger.

"Dont do something you are going to regret. Remember who I am and what im capable of," Paul said sternly.

You threw the ring at the singer, watching it bounce off his chest and on to the floor. Paul looked up at the stairs and then down at the floor. Ameilya cried in the singer's arms and he turned his attention back to his daughter, feeling helpless by every ounce of the situation. From upstairs he could hear you crying and slamming the closet doors open, as the guitarist tried to soothe the infant. He quickly made a bottle and walked the little girl up the stairs to her nursery. Shutting the door behind him, Paul sat down in the rocking chair, cradling his baby girl in his arms.

"Things got pretty exciting around here didnt they, princess? Mommy is just going through a tough time right now, but don't you worry because Daddy fixes everything. I will keep this family together if it kills me. You won't know the same life your brother does," the singer said with a sigh..

Ameilya reached up and grabbed her father's pinkie, holding it in her small hands as she sucked down her bottle. Paul hummed under his breath, watching as her green eyes grew heavy and she pulled away from her bottle. The singer propped the baby on his shoulder, burping her gently before rocking her to sleep in his arms.

"Goodnight my angel" Paul whispered before kissing the baby's forehead

He placed the baby into her crib and then walked out into the hallway, finding his bedroom door shut. Paul let out a sigh and walked to the door, feeling the handle hard to turn. You had locked him out of the room the two of you shared together, giving a clear sign the singer was going to have to work extra hard to get back into your good graces. The guitarist walked over to the hall closet and pulled out all the guest bedding to set up on the couch. He grabbed the baby monitor and walked back to the couch downstairs, turning on the tv and making his bed for the night.

"If I haven't even left for tour and we are already fighting. What is this going to mean for the two weeks away?" Paul whispered as he sank down onto the couch.

He flipped off the light and fell into the trap of late night talk shows as he listened to you cry from the room above him. Paul closed his eyes finally around midnight and fell into a fitful sleep as he dreamed of life on the road as a single dad of two.

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