Part 16

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Wedding Day

Paul watched you sleep naked beside him as he ran his hand up and down your arm before planting small kisses to your shoulder. You stirred in your sleep and pushed him away, making him laugh before he moved his lips to yours, kissing you softly. The baby cooed from the bassinet laying next to the bed and the guitarist rolled off the bed and grabbed Amelya smiling down at her, as she gave a toothless smile back to him. The guitarist leaned down and kissed the infant's head before placing the baby back in her bed and walking over to you.

"Are you excited? It's the day we've been waiting for!" Paul said, smacking your ass.

"Ouch, you asshole, and yes, I'm excited. I just need a couple of hours of sleep. Between our adorable daughter's crazy feeding schedule and your high sex drive, I'm worn out." You replied, pulling the pillow over your head..

"Its been six weeks since ive gotten to make love to you. You best believe I'm gonna take every moment I can get. Which, by the looks of my watch, I have about forty-five minutes to rock your world before we are off to the chapel to become Mr. and Mrs. Stanley." the guitarist said as he climbed on top of you

"You can wait for the honeymoon, my love. Right now my to do list is screaming in my ear. You need to get four people ready, including yourself. I'm gonna need a helping hand with the baby, there still the pre ceremony breakfast," you rattled off.

Paul leaned forward and kissed your lips. Silence you from talking any further, as he grabbed your hands and pinned them up above your head. He pushed his tongue into your mouth, slowing down the kiss as your tongues danced alongside each other. The singer smiled against your lips as you wrapped your legs around his waist and pulled him closer to your frame. Ameilya cried from her bed making both the singer and you groan against each other's lips before paul kissed you one more time and slid off of you, picking up the infant again.

"You and your brother need to work on your timing. Mommy and Daddy need their time together too, little lady. Yes we do, but I'm sure you had a long night of sleeping and want some food hmmm," paul asked the little baby.

"You are amazing with her, and have been so patient with me as I learn to be a mom. You better go and get Evan from Pam's room and get everyone up for breakfast." As you took the baby from him, you said.

"Ah yes nothing says good luck on your new wedding by dealing with your ex-wife," paul replied

A sloppy knock sounded on the door as soon as you finished your statement and you and the singer looked at each other and chuckled before Paul went to the door and opened finding his three-year-old son standing there in his little ring barrier suit. The guitarist picked up the little boy and planted kisses all over his face as Evan screamed and tried to push his daddy's face away. Pam stepped into the room as you quickly adjusted the baby blanket over yourself and breast fed your daughter.

"Good morning, bride and groom. Someone else is very excited to see his daddy and dressed for the day," Pam said

"Hey bubba I was just talking about getting ready for the day. Do you want to say hello to Y/N and Ameilya?" Paul asked.

"Hi Y/N, Hi baby, daddy I want breakfast" Evan said pulling at his dad's pant leg

"Well, I think we can squeeze in some food before we get all cleaned up. Can you give daddy and Y/N a couple of minutes to get ready and we will meet you and mommy down stairs?" Paul asked the toddler.

"Okay, but no kissing until later," Evan said

The three adults laughed as paul patted the little boy's butt and opened the door, letting the two out the door before he turned to you and grabbed your face. You pushed the man back and handed him the baby before sinking back down into the pillow. The singer quickly changed Ameilya and laid her back in the bassinet before he climbed back beside you. You put your head on his chest and started laughing, making the guitarist lift your chin up to look at him.

"Is something funny Mrs. Stanley?" He asked.

"That was the first time the three of us have been in a room and not had a blown up fight. Maybe that's her wedding gift to us, to try to co-parent better?" You asked.

"Maybe, plus she knows yelling isnt good for Ameilya." Paul said before rolling you on to your back

He looked down into your green eyes and smiled softly before bending down and kissing your lips, letting his long hair brush your cheeks as he lowered his lips down your chin and to your neck. You gasped and held him close to you as he bit and sucked the sweet spots on your neck that only he seemed to know about. The singer flexed his hips into yours, the two of you letting out a soft groan at the delicious friction created between the two of you.

"I love you so fucking much, baby girl. Do you know that? I can't wait to make love to you tonight as my wife and have a week with you all to myself," Paul whispered..

"Ugh you are going to make me wait all night to have you again," You whined

"Yes, baby, I want you wet and waiting for me tonight before we leave this godforsaken town to a more beautiful island," Paul whisper.

"I'm going to go change then for our breakfast with our son. Can you get yourself and Meyla ready?" You asked

Paul nodded your head and then kissed your lips one more time before he grabbed your hand, pulling you off the bed and into the shower where the two of you playfully cleaned up for the day as your newborn daughter slept in the room next to you.

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