Part 8

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(Paul POV)

Paul took a seat on the bed and waited for his ex-wife to speak, feeling the hair stand up on the back of his neck as the woman looked at him. She walked over to the closet and pulled out four large gifts wrapped in shiny pink and purple paper, making the guitarist smile softly to himself. She handed him the packages before taking a seat beside him and let out a deep breath. The singer turned his head to look at her, seeing the sad look on her face.

"What is it? Why do you look like you are about to cry?" Paul asked

"I can't believe I am about to say this, but I am honestly happy for you and Y/N. You haven't been this happy since the day Evan was born, and I hope she continues to put this smile on your face. Did you guys pick out a name for the little girl yet?" Pam asked.

"Amelya Rose. She will be here in three months, and the band has to go away for two months. I am a nervous wreck about leaving her for so long," the singer replied

"Paul, I was pregnant when you had to do a tour or two. She will be just fine and you will be a fanatic about keeping in touch with her like you are with our son." she replied.

The two of them hugged before the singer walked back into the other room, finding you on the floor playing with cars. He kneeled down and kissed his son's head before handing you the wrapped boxes, seeing the smile grow on your face as you took them. The singer scooped up his son before grabbing his bag from Pam and walking toward the door. He turned to see you wrapping one of your arms around his ex-wife in a half hug before following behind him. The three of you walked to the elevator, listening to Evan babble on about his new toys, as the singer pressed the elevator button.

"I'm surprised that it all went so well. I figured she would try to talk you out of marry me," You replied.

"There's no way in hell that will ever happen, ill fight anyone that tries to stand in my way because you are my soul mate." Paul whispered before kissing your lips.

"Gross," Evan said, grabbing his dad's face and pulling him away

Paul laughed before showering the little boy kisses repeatedly before the three of you stepped off the elevator. The singer felt like he was living on cloud nine. The only worry he had was how his own parents would react to meeting you for the first time and how open they would be about their newest grandchild. You grabbed his hand, pulling him from his thoughts as you got to the car and loaded everything into the rented car.

"Everything is going to be okay, its you and me until the very end. If they don't like me, then that's okay, because I still have the three of you." You said..

"God, I love you so much. You know exactly what to say to ease my mind and heart. I can't wait until tomorrow when you are officially my wife." Paul replied.

The singer quickly buckled the toddler into his car seat before opening the passenger door for you to climb inside. He jumped into the driver's side and headed down the road to the hotel that his parents were staying secretly hoping that everything would go as great as you had said it would.

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