Part 3

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(Paul POV)

Next Morning

The singer rolled over on his side and watched you as you slept soundly next to him on the bearskin rug. The two of you had worn each other out with the intense love making after he had proposed to you. Paul ran his hand slowly down your naked side and let his hand rest on your stomach, feeling the baby kick at his hand. He let out a content sigh before he moved his face closer to yours and pressed a kiss to your cheek, chuckling as you swatted him away.

"I know you're still tired, but it is your birthday and I kinda have a day planned for us. Plus, we need to go to the chapel and reception hall," Paul whispered into your ear.

"I need breakfast first. You took all my energy last night," you mumbled

"Fine, you go take a relaxing bath and I'll make us breakfast, deal?" He asked, as he planted kisses on your neck.

"Okay, okay I'm up" you replied wrapping the blanket around you

Paul slipped on his boxers and slacks on from the previous night before making his way to the kitchen. He glanced over at the phone laying on the kitchen counter and decide to give Eric a ring before you could catch the guitarist making more plans for the two of you. The singer quickly punched in the number to the drummer's hotel and leaned against the counter as he listened to the line ring over and over. Paul venture to the fridge, pulling out the ingredients as a loud scream came across the line before Eric could speak.

"I see Pam and Evan have arrived, but what are they doing in your room?" Paul asked

"Good morning to you too! Just a reminder you now owe me big time for the hell you've put me through this week. Your ex-wife wanted to go to the spa that's in the hotel so Evan is hanging out with uncle Eric," the drummer replied

"I'm sure you won't let me forget. So good news she said yes. Everything needs to be ready for tomorrow evening. We will stop by this afternoon to check everything out. I'll still need you to go with Y/N for her dress fitting unless Mike has made it in," Paul said, as he laid ingredients on the table.

"Mike is scheduled to be in at 6. So we will meet you for your dinner reservation at 8. Listen, your sons got marker and I don't think you want to pay for damages so I'll call later," Eric replied before he hung up

Paul shook his head and chuckled, knowing his three-year-old son would give the drummer a run for his money for the bigger part of the day. The singer ran through the list in his head, checking things off as he thought of them. He knew he was going to need more help than he planned, but wasn't sure asking his ex-wife would be the smartest move. Paul let out a deep sigh as he heard the water upstairs stop running and began making scrambled eggs and waffles for your birthday breakfast.

A few minutes later the singer began plating the food as you appeared at the top of the stairs in a white shirt, black jeans and red converse. Paul smiled and felt the butterflies flutter in his stomach as he gazed up at you. He sat both of the plates down and pulled out your chair, waving you over to him. You put your hand on your stomach and slowly made your way down the stairs to the guitarist, a smile never leaving your own face. The singer wrapped his hands around your waist and pulled you into a warm embrace, smelling your shampoo as he kissed the side of your face. He felt you let out a shaky sigh and the tears fall against his bare shoulder, making him panic slightly.

"Babe, what's the matter?" Paul asked, holding you at arm's length..

"Birthdays are just hard. I'm used to getting a phone call from my mom and dad every year. They haven't been the same since my dad passed away." You replied, wiping the tears away from your face.

"Oh sweetheart, do you want me to cancel everything, and we just do the wedding when we get back home?" He asked, leading you over to a chair.

"No, no, no, you have made this day beyond special for me. I just get lost in my head with the baby coming and our families not being near." You said, as you grabbed a fork.

"Well, you will meet my mom and dad tonight at dinner, and Evan will be there too. We are making the family we both always dreamed about, baby. I dont know the pain you are feeling right now, but know that I love you with all my heart. I can't wait until you are my wife and baby Amelya to be here." Paul replied, taking a bite of food.

"I love you too, now what is the plan for the day?" you asked

"Whatever you want to do. First, though, we have to go into town to check out the wedding stuff, and I thought maybe a small hike if you are up for it." Paul replied.

"What about a spa and shopping?" You asked, as you stood up and walked toward the refrigerator, grabbing the orange juice.

"You read my mind. I actually have something set up for you tomorrow morning, but I can change it to today for the spa," He said.

"Are you going to go with me? I really don't want to be alone," You asked, with a small pout on your face

Paul stood up from his spot and walked to the kitchen where you stood. He pushed you up against the counter and kissed your lips slowly, as he wrapped his arms around your waist. You sighed softly into the kiss, driving the guitarist crazy. The singer held your arms to your side as he deepened the kiss, sliding his tongue into your mouth and intertwining it with yours. Both of you kept up the relentless attack against each other's mouth for a few more moments before you pulled away, trying to catch your breath. Paul cleared his throat and winked at you before letting go of your hands. He walked over to the kitchen drawer and pulled out another envelope, handing it to you before he took his seat back at the table.

"What is this? You don't have to keep buying me gifts for my birthday. The trip and wedding are big enough," You replied.

"Open it while I go get ready, and that kiss should answer your question. I'm always going to be right beside you unless there's a tour or something with the band. Even then, you'll probably be at the side of the stage." Paul replied before finishing the rest of his food..

"Speaking of work, shouldn't you guys be getting ready to go back to the studio or on tour again soon?" You asked.

The singer felt the panic wash over him from your question and he was at a lost of what to say to you next. He stood up from the table and grabbed his plate, taking it to the sink, as he felt your eyes on him. Paul ran a hand through his hair, before he turned back to look at you, seeing the curiosity dancing in your eyes. He cleared his throat and leaned against the counter, taking a deep breath.

"Do you really want to talk about this now?" Paul asked.

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