Part 23

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A Week Later

You were sleeping in the king size bed next to Paul, feeling him wrap his arms tightly around you. The two of you had been barely home a week, and the singer was planning a trip to Australia with the bad. It had been a heated discussion about you coming with him with Ameilya. Paul's concern about being away for so long that the baby would forget him, and your worry was the baby would get sick with only being a month old. The sound of Ameilya crying on the baby monitor. You shifted your weight to move out of the bed, but your husband held on to you tighter.

"Paul, it's 7 in the morning and the baby is ready to eat. You gotta get Evan ready to go back to his moms." You whispered.

"I just want to cuddle with my wife. We are going to be away from each other for a long time." Paul said.

"Baby, it's just going to be two weeks and then you'll be back home. If you guys decide to tour around here, then maybe me and our daughter will go with you." You replied.

"DADDDY I WANT TO GET UP PLEASE," Evan screamed from his room

"And I'm up. Ill meet you downstairs in ten." The singer replied before kissing your lips.

The two of you quickly got out of bed and parted ways, going into each child's bedroom. You looked over the crib to see your baby girl smiling up at you with a gummy grin. She squealed in her crib as she spotted you and started throwing her arms around.

"Ameilya? Good morning, beautiful girl! How did you sleep? Are you ready to start your day?" You asked in a singsong voice, as you kissed the baby's face.

The door open and Paul came walking in with Evan on his hip. Evan flashed a smile at you as you sat the baby on the changing table. The singer walked over to the changing table and smiled at his baby girl. He looked at you and sighed before he took a seat in the rocking chair in the room, sitting his son on his lap.

"Dada, what are we going to do today?" Evan asked.

"Well, daddy has to prepare to take a trip, and you are going back to your mom's house for a couple of weeks," Paul said sadly

"What about the baby and Y/N? Are they going to go with you?" The little boy asked in the same tone.

"No, daddy is just going with Uncle Gene, Bruce and Eric to Australia for two weeks. I'm gonna miss you guys so much, though, and will always be thinking of you." The singer replied.

You looked over your shoulder as you changed Ameilya's diaper and the scene almost broke your heart. Evan curdle around Paul, as the older man kissed the little boy's head. You noticed the guitarist quickly wipe a tear from his eye and it broke your heart in two to know that your husband was a family man first and then a musician.

"I have an idea. How about we go to the park and have a picnic before Daddy takes you back to mommy? We can take some new pictures for your dad to take on the road with him. So when he misses us, he can just pull out his photo album and see us. How does that sound?" You asked.

"That sounds amazing!!! Can Ameilya and I watch cartoons while you and daddy cook for the picnic?" Evan asked.

"Sure you can. Go down stairs and get everything set up for the two of you, and me and dad will be right down to put her in her bouncer," You replied.

"Otay momma Y/N" the little boy said

You looked at Paul with your mouth hanging open as he looked back at you with a huge grin on his face. Paul wrapped his arm around you as you cried into the side of his neck. He soothed you for a few minutes before the baby started to get a little fussy on the changing table. The singer pulled away from you and picked up Ameilya.

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