Date a Live (Puzzlevision Special - 1/3)

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Date a Live X Mr

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Date a Live X Mr.L / Too Late.exe Male Reader

There were two brothers that are the same blood and were always taking care for each other. They also have a sister but she's sometimes joins the brothers but that leads the brothers to play video game that is super mario that the boy named Shido loved Mario and the brother named Y/N loved Luigi so the two played with smiles on there faces... unti one day that leads Y/N's death thanks to Shido. There was a earthquake happening all thanks to the superb beings called spirits that always causes them, but that event helps shido to get his twin young olderbrother killed when the two were followed the parents but Shido then says that he forgets something and with determination that leads Y/N to run back to get something that his little twin brother forget... but it was just a lie. And when he's parents told Y/N to get back a huge blast happened that killed Y/N and then the blast hits a building that killed some people near by including the parents and that only leaves Shido to survive... but with no family with there death and a sister that he slowly forgets about let's just say "karmas a B--th"... now getting to see the body of Y/N that is badly injured we then see a female girl with white hair with a blue eye as a clock with the other being red she then lifted her hand and then it shots some energy with light, and then Y/N's body started to glow and then started to see a tall monstrous form of what looks like Luigi and that the very first male spirit was born with one objective and that is... killing Shido for revenge.

Name: Y/N Itsuka

New name: Y/N L/N / Mr.L

What you look like resurrected back:

What you look like resurrected back:

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Your Spiritual / Monster Form:

Mr.L / Too Late.exe Luigi

exe Luigi

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And now... the love Interest:

White Queen (Spirit Form) / Sawa Yamauchi (Real name)

White Queen (Spirit Form) / Sawa Yamauchi (Real name)

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(Spirit Form)

(Spirit Form)

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(Human Form)

And that is all! I hope everyone likes this idea because I really wanted to make a male reader Mr.L / Too Late.exe story.

Now then I'll be seeing you all later Ba-bye!!!

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