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(^Their home🥹)

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(^Their home🥹)

- 6 years later -

It was soon to be Aarisa's 6 birthday and as much as Mikhail liked to deny it, that little girl was the devil's assistant.

Alayna would often find her daughter in the weirdest of situations, but more often than that she would be stood at the entrance of their home with yet another neighbour who was unimpressed with her pranks. Her partner in crime was the next door neighbour's son, Diego, who had an imagination wilder than her daughter's.

Alayna was awaiting for someone to knock on her door, the morning had been too quiet.

She stood at the entrance of her kitchen watching her husband expertly move around prepping the food for the big day ahead. She watched his muscles flex, his eyes blue and beautiful as ever forever staring straight at into her own, his smile with beautiful smile lines guarding it.

They were growing old together.

Despite her being dolled up in a beautiful lawn suit, with make up adorned on her face, and the silver jhumkas that Mikhail's had bought all those years ago, she wished to help.

She pulled her greying hair into a low bun, wanting to help.

"Oh no you don't."

She pushed in the opposite direction than she was intending to go. She was plopped onto a deckchair on their patio overlooking their pool. She was handed a glass of filled with fresh apple juice with ice, sunglasses were pushed onto on her nose, a table was pulled next to her which held her breakfast, and her current book was placed on her lap.

"Relax Mum."

She laughed, trying shake off the pain in her heart. Her little Cihan had grown, she did not know when but he had.

There was no longer a Cihan that hugged her legs, now stood before her was a teenage Cihan.

It hurt, she was never going to see her son that young and carefree again.

"Thank you beta."

He smiled, taking a seat on another chair.

He was wearing shalwar kameez surprisingly. She had bought herself and Aasira matching ones but she had no idea where he got his from.

It made sense when Mikhail came and greeted her, wearing the same outfit.

"Eid Mubarak Yana." He gave a soft kiss on her forehead.

His eyes caught onto her earrings and he smiled as his finger traced them.

"You've still got them!" He exclaimed.

"Yes, they are never leaving my hands." She laughed as he kissed her cheek this time.

"Ok, lunch is nearly done, don't eat too much. I've made loads of food."

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