newtie my cutie

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I woke up to me laying on the floor, newt sitting on his knees crying holding one of my hands with two of them. My head was pounding like a bitch. I groaned and asked really weekly "wh-what's happened" newt fell into my chest gently hiding himself crying and I weakly stroked his hair, while Thomas replied saying "you got struck by lightening girl, we thought we lost you" I had a split second before I said "cool?". Everyone laughed while saying glad your here and left for me and newt to chat.

Newt was still leaning on my chest and whispered "I thought I lost you princess" "I'm right here baby" I replied, he lift his head up and got up and leaned on a wall pulling me inbetween his legs with me still sitting up. He put his arms round me while we just talked about anything and everything which comes to mind. It was so cold and i was shivering because i was just in a dirty cream tank top and these dark gray trousers. "Are you cold my love" i nodded and he took his gray jumper off and gave it to me. "This is mine now" i said while giggling, "no its not" he replied while giggling. I got up and ran away and he chased after me. "No fair you a runner" he moaned while laughing, "yet ive only got 9 toes" i was laughing and kept looking behind until I almost slipped. He caught me and hugged me from behind. I then screamed when i saw a some like zombie and newt screamed too grabbing my arm running away. We then kept running till we banged into the group who was also running. We realised the zombies were chained up and a girl came down saying "come with me... unless you wanna stay here" we were silent for a second until we followed her. I was behind newt holding his hand and we follow her into a room. Her name was brenda and the guy was jorge who we were talking to.

Me and thomas was doing all the talking to brenda and jorge and was telling them how we want to go to the safe heaven. They told us how they are going there and it will take a few days to get there but they have an abandoned house on the way which we will have to stay at for a whole month. We loved the idea and we walked 4 hours to get the the house. My head was pounding

extreme love, extreme meters MRWhere stories live. Discover now