first argument

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As i walked over, newt turned around fastly shouting "what do you want, except to just get yourself killed" i opened my mouth and i could see the instant regret in his eyes for shouting at me. I slowly moved towards him grabbing both of his hands, "baby, im the best runner there is in here, and if theres a chance for us to live a normal life... together... i would do anything and if thats risking my life so be it." He tried to speak but i spoke over him "and minho and thomas will be there to protect me. Why dont u trust me!" I took a deep breath and then newt grabbed my arms and banged me on a wall and said "how can i trust you? You've almost died already.. you have no idea what i went through. If you die i have nothing, okay, i would have nothing because to me you are everything" i could see he was hurt but the anger overgrew me, i shouted "you cant control me. I want to be a runner so im gonna be a fucking runner, its not just about you, if i go out i can save everyone here. You have to understand that or we cant be together" once the words left my mouth i had instant regret, he let go of my arms and took a step back. He had tears in his eyes and he looked into my eyes and in shame i look down into the ground and he walked away.

Few days later, i still haven't talked to newt and not sure where he has been sleeping but not in our hut. I only ever see him across the room and still, then he doesn't look me in the eye. I haven't been going into the maze because it would just make things between me and newt worst. As days went by ive gotten closer to thomas, he's like a brother to me. As i walked into my hut, i brushed my hair and got ready for the bonfire tonight. I didnt realise but newt was sitting behind me and when he said y/n it made me jump, "oh, um hey blondi- newt" i said not knowing how to feel, without looking at me he walked out the room saying "see you tonight.. you look.. pretty". After i got ready i walked out of the hut and thomas picked me up from behind running me to the bonfire, at first i thought it was newt as he always hugs me from behind so i was disappointed. At the bonfire i saw newt in the corner of the room, looking shy, i walked over saying "hey, we need to talk" before i fisnhed he shows a flower from behind his back and gives it to me "sorry we have been fighting recently i love you so so much" i instantly smiled and held my hand out saying "i love you too baby" while leading him to our seats. As always we play our normal truth or dare and it was all fun until gally asked thomas "truth or dare" "truth" thomas replied "how long have you been fucking y/n for" i gasped and stood up saying "we aren't fucking you piece of shit, we are just friends" "just friends... right" gally said sarcaticly. Thomas punch gally and a turned around to see newt speed walking back to the hut. I ran to the hut and began to cry, i walked in to see newt sobbing on the floor, i went on the floor next to him begging for him to believe me "newt, i love you... your my one and only true love and i would never kiss thomas or anything like that to him or any other boy. I love you and im only yours believe me".

extreme love, extreme meters MRWhere stories live. Discover now