04.20 Lunch at Lin's

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Last night, I texted Sonny.

"Library tomorrow. 10:30" I told him.

So today I woke up at 9, showered, ate breakfast (boiled egg and a glass of kefir) and headed to the library. I met Sonny on the History metro stop and we walked to the Roman Jakobson library. We sat outside, as he smoked a cigarette and we talked. We began talking and talking and we lost track of  time, when suddenly, through the gates walked in Lin and Tony, and a little later Albert did. Albert told me I looked very pretty today, but I didn't think so. The 5 of us sat on the outside stairs, smoked and talked for a long time, avoiding schoolwork.

We went into the library at 12 or so, but it was absolutely packed, and we decided to go to Lin's to have lunch. We took the underground and as we were waiting in Boulevard Bridge Station Lin told me "you have such a cute little waist, I envy you" and I swear I got so nervous I didn't know what to reply.

During the metro ride, Tony, who is such a flirt (he and Lin are dating), started messing with me and Sonny (his brother). He began pretending that he did not know who I was, asking my name and where was I going. Then he proceeded to ask if Sonny was my boyfriend. Sonny answered: "I can't tell you that, you have to find out yourself", then I don't remember how or what but I answered something funny back to Sonny and he put his right hand in front of me so I looked at it and while I was distracted he softly slapped my cheek, making us all laugh. Then he said "she's into that kind of stuff" to his brother, tony answered "oh yeah? i like that too" and sonny replied back "good, she ain't the jealous type". i'm not writing my thoughts on this hell no.

At Lin's, Albert, Tonny and Lin smoked weed. Sonny read on the couch and I finished reading a theatre play for my French class in the other couch. Then I tried taking a nap but the lilght was too bright. We had lunch at 14:30, I had lasagna. We ate in the kitchen table and talked about stuff from class mainly.

Then we had coffee and tea and played a board game. Elle came to Lin's at around 16 and she took some pictures with her digital camera but I sneaked out of all of them because I hate the way I look in pictures. I hope my insecurities aren't as obvious as I think they are.

They were going to drink at the Riverside, but I went home to study. We went to Little Paris Station (Lin's neighbourhood), but there was a football game at Stadium, so the line that crossed D'Aragon (where Stadium is) was packed. In the end only I could get inside the metro and Sonny texted good bye and I think they actually stayed in Little Paris and had drinks at Lin's.

Home, I did some school work. I've been so loaded with things to do that I've been putting everything behind, since there is just a lot to do and I'm a little overwhelmed, but today thankfully I was able to plan out an entire essay project, finish the theatre play and read the philosophy paper due for Tuesday. Tomorrow I'll do more. I had dinner (chickpeas, sliced carrots and cucumber, kefir and curry sauce on top).

It is 00, good night. Last night I slept on the couch, I like sleeping on the couch sometimes. I think I might repeat tonight, since I'm already here, writing this. Bye

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