01.22 Saint

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I spent all of today reading and cooking. In the morning, I sunbathed in the balcony as I had a cup of coffee with milk, a banana and spelt wheat biscuits. Then, I read A Clockwork Orange in the sofa.

After some hours reading, I did my skincare (white clay) and then I showered. After that, I cooked lunch. I boiled black beans with onions and Brussel sprouts, with mashed potato + tomato cream. Then, I kept reading on the couch.

I read until I fell asleep and took a 1-2 hour nap. Then, I did more reading.

Saint was coming to dinner and sleep at my place tonight, so I cleaned the apartment and did the dishes before he showed up with some food and we cooked dinner together.

We had steamed broccoli, mushrooms and fried chicken with lemon and soja. Then we had greek yoghurt with chocolate chips for dessert. We ate in my room, as we talked and listened to classical music. Then I smoked on the window and we imagined the lives of the neighbours, as we looked at their windows and homes.

Saint showered while I read in bed. Then, he got inside bed with me and I massaged his back and then he massaged mine. Then we read together for about 30 minutes, hugging each other. After that we turned off the light and went to sleep.

Tomorrow he is waking up early for a photoshoot he has to go to, I'll go to the library later on the day, or perhaps I'll work from home. See you around.

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