03.02 Tiny Market

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Today was a strange day.

The morning was fine. I woke at 10:30 and had breakfast: a banana, nuts and some biscuits. O got dressed and left my apartment and walked over to A-Lane Station.

I took the metro to Colonel Station and there I met up with Sonny. The streets were absolutely packed with people, since big days are coming ahead and you can feel the expectation in the atmosphere.

We walked to Korea Station, where there was Martha, Sonny's girlfriend. The three of us roamed the city centre of Sun Valley, from the Town Hall to the Latin Quarter, headed for the Tiny Market, a small streetwear and music event that was taking place.

We arrived in there and spent some time there. Martha and Sonny looked at clothes and I went straight for the vinyls. There was a live DJ set which was pretty cool too. Sonny joined me after a while and we talked about music for a long time. When we left, I stopped by a bar, where Maeve works, Xavier's girlfriend. She was pretty busy, but she was happy to see me. She said she had seen me yesterday at the SDA fashion show, but that she had been too shy to come up and say hello, which I found heart-warming.

We then left and I stopped by Nate's apartment to drop off a red jumper he had lent me the night before, since it was quite windy and cold. Then Sonny, Martha and I walked for a long time and decided to say goodbye by Boulevard Bridge, where we went different directions.

Back home Hellen texted asking if I wanted to go to a party in Sputnik, a techno club away from Sun Valley, but I wasn't really in the mood, since I felt quite tired from so much walking, and I also felt a little weak and sick.

I didn't do anything for the rest of the day, just procrastinate and rest.

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