01.19 Sushi Lunch & DNA Party

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Friday it was raining. Aline was sick, so we couldn't go to the street market in the morning. Instead, I spent it cleaning the house and reading. I had a piece of toast with butter for breakfast and at 14 I left the house, taking the underground to Angel's Gate.

I met up with Tudy, a friend of my father's, at the door of Tayky, an expensive sushi restaurant. She invited me to wine, sushi, noodles, tea and cake. She left a €100 bill and then she insisted for me to order some takeaway for the week (another €50). I didn't quite know how to say no, so I accepted it. Then she insisted that I should take some money, so she went to a cashier and gave me €150 euros for no reason.

I took the underground from Angel's Gate to Turing Station. I stopped by Aline's to pick up some clothes and then I went back home, where I rested for a bit after. At 19 or so I went to the supermarket to buy some things, food and drinks for Iris' birthday the next day. Then I showered, dressed up and headed to the Taco Bell in Blaise Irving Avenue, where Saint picked me up in his car.

We drove around town in the rain listening to rap-jazz and we parked near Woodbridge. From there, we walked to Nate's flat. I brought half of the takeaway sushi and shared with them. We ate and had fun and at 23:45 we got ready to go to DNA. At the door of the club, I saw Owen, who approached me and said hi to me. Will was also there, who got us in for free.

Nate and I stuck together all night, smoking outside and drinking inside. He brought popper and we had some every once in a while. Owen was around most of the night, but I avoided eye contact all along because I didn't want to bother him. There were some moments outside when I wanted to join his friend group but Nate wanted to be just us, so I didn't have the chance to talk to him at all.

Inside the club, Owen and his friends were often behind me and Nate, and Nate would constantly say to me "your boyfriend is behind". He told me "why don't you approach him", I explained that I didn't want to bother/force the situation, so he said "let me do it". He approached Owen and thought it was a great ice-breaker to ask him if he had any handkerchiefs on him. When he said "no, sorry dude", Nate showed him his popper flask and offered him. Owen said "no, thanks, I don't like popper". Nate came back to me and said "Don't ever fuck Owen again! He doesn't like popper and he doesn't have any handkerchiefs on him!"

Towards the end, before we left at 5, I started talking to a guy named Louis, who happened to be one of Owen's best friends, and we really shared similar vibes and talked and laughed for a good while. I said good bye a little after and Owen gave me a hug and said "see you around".

Back home, I tried to sleep on the couch but Nate and Saint decided it was a great fucking idea to make chocolate sandwiches, smoke a joint and watch a wild life documentary until 7:30am, so I barely slept until then.

Then Saint came to the sofa with me and we slept together, hugging each other, like we usually sleep.

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