02.16 DNA Party

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I had French Literature at 12. Dennis texted at 11 asking if I wanted to walk with him to university. It was raining lightly, he looked really good with his brown wet hair and the dark freckles in his face.

After class I found Mark, Tony and other friends smoking a cigarette at the stairs. I walked home with Mark and I called my dad as I went to the supermarket and cooked pasta.

I ate in the living room and then went to bed to have a nap because I felt very tired. I read a little bit of Ian McEwan and soon fell asleep.

Saint texted saying he was going to pick me up at 20, so at 18:30 I went into the shower and began getting ready for the night. At 20 I walked downstairs and got into his car. We drove around listening to music and parked nearby Woodbridge. I ate dinner in his car as we listened to Jay-Z.

We went into the supermarket to buy beer and wine. Saint complimented my outfit and said I looked "like the girl I fell in love with when I lived in West Virginia". I was wearing some corduroy green low cut bell-bottoms with a brown tight leather jacket. I also remembered Sonny complimenting me on this outfit a couple of days before.

We walked to Nate's flat and chilled there, drinking some beer, smoking a little hash, talking to his flatmates. Then we went out to have some drinks in La Rue District. Saint left with his mates, I sticked with Nate and his friends. I met two girls who told me all about their latest trip to Dubai as we drank beer and had a pizza slide.

Saint then came back and the two of us left to go to DNA. At the door of the club, I saw Nine and Gina, and I talked to them for a while. Entering the club we also found Owen, who said to me "hi, love". Suddenly, through the corner of my eye I saw Mark, Sonny and Tony. I called them and the three of them smiled and approached us. Mark came rushing and gave me a hug and grabbed my waist and he said my name, and I said hello to Tony and Sonny as well.

At this point the night is relatively blurry. I remember being with Sonny for most of the night, either dancing, or ordering shots and beer, smoking outside, talking, etc. Nine was playing that night and he played the beginning of A Cold Sunday by Lil Yachty and I have a great memory of Saint and I jumping and screaming to the lyrics while everybody else just stayed still.

I have memories of Mark telling me "hi beautiful, gorgeous, pretty" etc. outside the club. Also I saw Will, and he also said to me "hi, pretty" a couple of times. I mention this because lately a lot of people have been mentioning to me that I look good, like Tony, Lin, Rachel or Elle, who the past weeks have all told me separately that I looked pretty/good, in a sort of meaningful way, not just as a random compliment. I like it, it boasts my confidence a little.

At some point I was super tired so I left outside and there I saw Vinnie Superbia, who instantly made eye contact with me as I left the club. Something dragged me to go up and say hi to him, and that ended up with us taking a 30-40 minute stroll around the city centre talking about childhood, work, dissatisfaction, trauma, life in general. It surprised me what a good conversation it actually was, especially for it being the first time I talked to Vinnie without Saint being around.

On the way back, we ran into Tony, Sonny and Mark, who were going back home. We took the underground together and I said goodbye to Vinnie in Korea Station. I rode to Abbytown District, crossed Cedric's square and made it home.

I had a scrambled egg and then went to bed. Sonny and I texted good night and I fell asleep.

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