18 - Screw You!

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Authors Note:
This is a continuation of chapter 17. Hope you like it!

Amelia's Pov:

I'm really confused. Lily gets up from the table still angrily looking at the man sitting at the table. Then the man looks over at Lily. Anger and fear fill his eyes chocolate eyes. Lily violently snatches the glass of water spilling a lot of it all over the table. The man stands up. Matt and I both watch anxiously. Suddenly Lily speaks up.

"You're cheating on me!" She screams. Now everyone in the whole restaurant was disturbed by her yelling.

"You're cheating on me!" He screams back.

"YOO I NEED SOME POPCORN FOR THIS!" A customer yells. A few people slightly giggle.

It's a mess in here. Lily tosses the glass of water all over the man and the girl he was with. The girl gets up politely.

"Um I don't think I want to date you anymore, Ben. It was very nice to meet you though!" She says before scurrying out the door.

I decide to interfere with this fight because it is getting a little out of hand.

"Guys STOP!" I yell.

Everyone becomes silent. Lily and the man turn to look at me. Both of them being covered in water and a bunch of other stuff. It had become a whole food fight!

"I need to ask you politely to leave." I say to the man. A male server that works in the bar comes over and escorts him out of the diner.

I wait for a little bit so things can settle down. Lily sits back at the table. Her and Matt are not arguing. I approach the table cautiously.

"Hi, i'm so sorry to interrupt but-"

"I'm leaving now. HE broke up with me!" She screams at me.

"Ok." I say not knowing how to respond.

Lily stomps out of the restaurant and on the way out she yells screw you! I look back at Matt. He was looking at me with sadness in his eyes. It's sad to say but for these many months away from him I was starting to loose feelings.

"I will be right back." I say.

I leave the table to go find the other server. I ask him if he could take over the tables I was serving. He said yes so I go back to Matt. I sit down across from him where Lily had been sitting.

"Ok Matt listen to me. I know that you're probably feeling shitty about yourself right now. I always knew Lily was like this. But honestly you'll survive. You have your very supportive brothers to help you through this! And I know that I blocked you and your brother's numbers. And i'm sorry for that. I just didn't want to deal with that stress stuff if you know what I mean. Through these months that i've been away from you i've lost feelings for you and I don't like you romantically anymore. What you put me through was horrible. I'm going to let you not pay for your dinner tonight because it's the least I can do for you. Have a nice life and I hope things turn out for you. Goodbye, Mathew."

I get up and walk away. I could see tears forming in his eyes as he leaves the diner. Later that night when I was trying to fall asleep I kept on thinking about him. Did I make the wrong decision? Do I still like him? My dad shuts the lights off.

"Goodnight, love bug." He says heading up the stairs that lead to his bedroom.

"Goodnight." I respond.

Word Count 609

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