12 - Party

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It's been a few weeks since I've been living with the Sturniolos. Nothing much has really happened since I got kidnapped. Other than the fact that Nick is super overprotective of me now and will not ever let me sleep on the couch again.

*time skip to later that night*

"Heyy Amelia, wanna go to a party!" Nick says.

"Sure!" I say excitedly. I'm so happy that we are finally doing something fun!

"Ok, we are leaving in half an hour." Nick says leaving the room.

I get up off the couch and go to Matt's room. Well technically we share a room now because I keep all my stuff and I sleep in his room.

"Are you going to the party?" Matt asks me.

"Yep, are you?"

"Yeah. Um I have a question."

"What is it?"

"Do you want to match?"

"SURE!" I could not contain my excitement. "I was planning on wearing a navy blue dress with a black jacket."

"Ok, i'll wear a navy blue shirt and black pants!"

I grab my clothes and walk into the bathroom. My dress is pretty tight and earlier I had straightened my hair. I grab my perfume and spray it all over myself. I take one last look at myself in the mirror and then walk out of the bathroom. I go to my bag and grab some black high heels. Even with high heels on Matt is still taller than me. I turn around and see Matt sitting at his desk with his outfit on staring at me.

"Wow you look really good." He says still staring at me.

"Thanks! You too." I add.

But damn. He looks sooooooo handsome, cute, hot... My list could go on and on! Nick knocks on the door and tells us that it is time to go. I walk out of the room and Matt follows. Nick and Chris are standing in the living room by the front door waiting for us. Chris has a yellow shirt and black pants on. Nick has a dark purple shirt and black pants on. We all are so slay. Matt grabs the car keys and walks out the front door.

"Damn girl. You look gorgeous!" Nick says.

"Thanks Nicki" I say giggling.

Chris rolls his eyes and runs out the door so that he could sit in the front seat. Nick and I just look at each other and laugh. We both don't really care where we sit in the car. But Matt on the other hand, we all know he wants me to sit in the front beside him. I would like to sit next to him too. Nick and I take our places in the back seat and Matt starts to drive to the party. On the way we listen to music to hype us up for the party.

*time skip to when they are at the party"

The party is super loud and there are so many people. Matt, Nick, Chris, Madi, and I are sitting at a table talking, drinking, and enjoying our time.

"Amelia and I can go and get more drinks!" Madi suggests. (just pretend they can drink)

They all say ok. Madi and I get up and go over the bar. We push through many people to get to the line for the drinks. It's taking forever! It's been at least 15 minutes. Madi gets a text.

"Omg my friend is here! Are you good to get the drinks?" Madi asks.

"Um. Yeah sure! I'm fine!" I say.

I watch Madi walk away to go find her friend. I can't believe she ditched me. (I know she would never do this but it's for the point of the story!) Now i'm just standing here alone. Everyone is minding their own business. Until I feel hands around my waist. I turn around to see a random guy super close to me. He has a smirk on his face.

"How bout we get outta this line?" The creepy dude says.

"Nope i'm happy where I am. Get off of me." I sternly say.

Then man proceeds to drag me out of the line and bring me almost against a wall. I try to get away from him by pushing him away. But I am too weak. I still have bruises all over my body from my mother and the kidnapper, my ex boyfriend. He keeps on getting closer and closer to me until my back collides with the wall. I look around searching for someone that could help me. The man grabs my chin and pulls it toward him forcing me to look him in the eyes. He leans in to kiss me and I close my eyes. I do not want to see this man random kiss me! But then I hear something in front of me. *SLAP* I open my eyes to see the man that was about to kiss me laying on the floor with Matt punching him. The security comes over and kicks the man out of the party. Matt looks up and walks over to me.

"Are you ok?" He asks.

"Thanks you!" I say wrapping my arms around him.

We stand there and hug for a moment. Then we decide that we should probably just leave the party now. Chris and Nick walk over to us and we all leave. It's around 1 a.m. when we get in the car. I sit in the front seat and Chris sits in the back seat rolling his eyes. The drive home was silent until Matt reaches over and puts his hand on my thigh. I look up at him smiling. He looks back at me and squeezes my thigh. Then I drift off to sleep.

Word Count 961

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