06 - What Happened?

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Nick's Pov:
I wake up around 9:25 and see that I have a text message from Amelia. I bet it's noting important. I'll just get changed and check it later. I get out of bed and grab a shirt and sweatpants to change into. Once I finish getting ready I grab my phone and walk to the kitchen. I check the living room to see if Amelia is awake or not but she is not there. I swear I heard her and Matt talking last night. She said she was gonna sleep on the couch. I don't really think any more of it becuase I just assume she went to Matt or Chris' room in the night. I sit down at the table and remember that I still have that text from Amelia that I haven't opened yet.

Oh my god. What does this mean? Is she in trouble. I start to spam text her. I get up from the table and run to Matt's room. I violently throw open the door. Matt sits up confused.

"What the fuck dude..?" He asks in a sleepy voice.

"HOLD ON! Did Amelia come in here last night?"

"no. why?"

"Look!" I handed Matt my phone and speed walk out the door.

I go to Chris' room to check is Amelia is in there. I open the door. Sadly no success. She was not with Chris either! I turn around and Matt is standing behind me. Chris is just squinting at us looking very confused. Matt walks up to him and hands him my phone.

"Oh no!" he says sitting up in his bed.

"Yeah so what do we do!" I say continuing to spam text Amelia. "Maybe it's just some joke!"

"Be for real dude it's not." Chris says.

"Does she have her location on?" Matt suggests.

I go and check if she has her location on. Wow Matt is a genius. It says she on this random road. Matt snatches the phone from me.

"It says she was on Rainbow Road at 2:00 a.m." He states

"So it looks like she was taken?" I say.

"It sounds like she was either kidnapped or she decided to run away. But I personally think she was kidnapped cause of the p text she sent." Chris says.

"Same." Matt says while sitting down on the bed next to Chris.

"Amelia texted me at 1:38 a.m." I added. "She must have left the house around 1:40"

For a while we all sit there in silence trying to figure out what to do! Then suddenly Matt speaks up.

"Why don't we go to Rainbow Road and then see if we can at least find SOMETHING and if we can't we will call the cops and give them all the information we have!"

"That is a GREAT plan Matt!" I say.

"Let's go!" Matt says getting up off Chris' bed.

"WAIT let me get a Pepsi first!" Chris yells!

"Honey, you don't need a Pepsi. It's 10 in the morning." I say rolling my eyes.

Chris rolls his eyes back at me and grabs a Pepsi out of the fridge. We get in the car and start driving. Once we get to Rainbow Road I text Amelia to let her know what's happening. Hopefully the kidnapper doesn't have her phone. But it's worth a shot!

Word Count 565

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