17 - Date Night

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*later that evening*

Matt's Pov:

I am almost ready for my date with Lily. I go to the mirror in my bedroom and fix my hair. I check the time and it's 5:15. I text Lily and tell her I am heading over now.

*time skip to when Matt arrives at Lily's house*

I pull into Lily's driveway at 5:30. Within 30 seconds Lily is already in my car. She's wearing a tight navy blue dress. It was the exact dress Amelia was wearing to that party-

"Hey babe!" Lily says.

"Hi are you ready?"


I back out of the driveway and drive away. During the drive I put my hand on her thigh and I could see her blush. A memory pops back into my head. Her at the McDonald's with that other guy. Who was that? I will just forget about it for now.

Amelia's Pov:

My feet are getting sore. I've been helping my dad out at the Fritz Diner all day. It's super boring. It's like 5:40 now and my shift ends at 9 o'clock!

"M'lia, can you please clean up a table for two!" I hear my dad yell from the front counter.

"Ok!" I respond.

I go over to an empty table and start to clean it. I'm so sick of this. I start to think about when I used to live with the Sturniolos. I would always sleep with Matt in his extremely comfortable bed. Now I sleep on a bench here at my dad's diner! My appearance has changed a little bit. I've become skinnier due to the lack of food I eat and I always have my hair tied back in a high ponytail. I wear little makeup too. I finish cleaning the table and walk to the front. I prepare myself to say my memorized line. At the Fritz diner we have a few saying that we always have to say to customers. I get to the front counter, grab 2 menus and turn to the customers.

"Hi and welcome to Fritz Diner please follow me to where you will be seated!" I smile through the anger and pain. It was Matt. AND his snotty girlfriend, Lily. This is going to be a great time. I lead them to the table that I had just cleaned up.

"I'm Amelia and I will be your server tonight! Would you like to start off with some drinks?"

"Uhh c-can I have a Dr. Pepper." Matt says stuttering. He becomes a little red.

"I'll have one too." states Lily sassily.

"Ok i'll be right back with those two drinks!" I said still smiling.

I look around the restaurant for my dad. I finally find him. He's at the bar making drinks. I lean over the counter and tell him Matt and Lily are here. He doesn't seem to care and shoves two drinks at me.

"Take these to table 13."

"Ok, dad."

I put the two drinks on a tray and go to table 13. I gently place the drinks down in front of the customers and they thank me. I try and forget about the situation that's happening right now.

"Waitress!" Lily screams.

I walk over to the table.

"When are our drinks coming! It's been FOREVER."

Bitch it's literally been like maybe 4 minutes max. You can waiiitt!

"HELLO!" She screams again.

"Ok calm down. My dad hasn't made them yet because the restaurant is really busy." I say still staying calm.

"YOUR dad owns this restaurant?!"

"Yes, actually my parents are divorced. My mom is very abusive and kicked me out of the house so I went to live with some friends but some stuff happened and now I live here!"

"Oh my gosh! What did your friends do that made you want to leave?"

I laugh and turn to glare at Matt. He looks at me awkwardly. I walk away to get the drinks. When I come back with the drinks Lily is still questioning me. Like can she just back off!

"WHAT HAPPENED! Please tell me!" She begs.

"Sorry that's personal stuff I cannot tell customers. But here are your drinks!"

I place the drinks in front of them. I feel someone put their hand on my shoulder. I turn around and see my dad. He hands me a  folded up note. I shove it in my pocket. He walks away. I completely forget about the note 5 seconds later.

"What would you guys like to eat for dinner."

Lily is back to being her snotty self now that she didn't get her way. "We will split a garden salad."

I know damn well that Matt despises garden salads. But I would like to see how this plays out.

"My BOYFRIEND and I love garden salads!" Lily says loudly.

I laugh and walk away. I go up to the front and there is another couple waiting to be sat.

"Oh my gosh I am sooo sorry for the wait let me seat you right away."

I take them to a table right across from Matt and Lily so that I can keep an eye on them.

"I'm Amelia and I will be your server tonight! Can I get you started with some drinks?"

"Uhh I don't think we are ready for drinks yet." the guy says.

"Ok i'll give you some time to check out the drink menu." I say handing them the drink menus.

I turn to check on Lily and she is waving her hand around in the air trying to get my attention I walk over to her table to see what she needs.


She smashes her face into Matt's sloppily kissing him. I stand there to grossed out to speak. Finally she pulls away and looks back at me.

"A glass of water with LOTS of ice." She demands.

I turn go and quickly get the glass of water with lots of ice just like she asked. When I get back to the table I see the couple I just had sat lightly kissing. They were a cute couple. Lily is staring at them angrily.

Authors Note:
I'm so sorry if there is grammar mistakes in these! Please just try and ignore them! ❤️ Also I think this is the longest chapter i've written yet!

Word Count 1059

~ Sturniolo Girl ~Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя